Most Valuable Submission of Week 35, 2017: Gold for Splave (US)

In Week 35 of 2017, we received 3713 benchmark results from 861 registered overclockers around the world. The majority of the submissions is coming from Rookie overclockers representing 56% of the active community. They were responsible for 33% of the submissions. We had a peek at the most valuable submissions in a breakdown per league.

At the beginning of the new school for the students (and parents) there are lots of cups on the leaderboard. However all but one are silver or bronze, meaning we got close to a spectacular week ... but didn't quite get there. The only golden cup of the week comes from the United States and is obtained by the inevitable Splave from the United States. In the HWBOT x265 BenchmarK 1080p he nets a World Record with the Intel Core i9 7960X 16-core CPU. The CPU frequency is 5621 MHz; impressive frequency for an AVX-enabled benchmark. Congrats for the trophy this week, Splave!

The most used hardware components of Week 35 are the Core i7 7700K (13.0%), GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (10.5%) and the ASUS ROG Maximus IX Apex (3.3%). In total the community used 315 different CPUs, 227 different GPUs and 745 different motherboards.

The overclocking results submitted during Week 35 generated in total 460 World Record Points, 6202.5 Global Points, and 6622.1 Hardware Points. The distribution per League is as follows: 20% for Elite, 26% for Extreme, 11% for Apprentice, 24% for Enthusiast, 10% for Novice, and 21% for Rookie. The representation of the active community is as follows: 2% Elite, 8% Extreme, 4% Apprentice, 18% Enthusiast, 12% Novice, and 56% Rookie.

Most Valuable Submissions - Week 35, 2017

League CPU Benchmark GPU Benchmark Hardware Points
Elite Splave 126.1 pts (WR!) Ikki 73.4 pts Wizerty 24.2 pts
Extreme Funsoul 68 pts Coolhandluke41 46.9 pts Mllrkllr88 39.8 pts
Apprentice Electron Libre 46.8 pts DR4G00N 24.4 pts Davestarrr 24.2 pts
Enthusiast Lorre128c 44.4 pts Rog_333 35.2 pts Bolc 39.5 pts
Novice Rpg1 24.6 pts Claudiohonio 19.8 pts Rpg1 24.6 pts
Rookie Castle 39.2 pts G4rfi3ld 23.3 pts Williamsjhonson 24.1 pts

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