[Video] Raspberry Pi Board Submerged in Mineral Oil, Gets Overclocked

The world of Overclocking is so broad and varied that it encompasses pretty much every possible computer platform out there. This video posted on the HydroGraphix HeadQuarters YouTube channel is a great reminder of that. This guy took a Raspberry Pi board and built a custom chassis for it so that he could submerge the entire system in mineral oil. Why? So that he could overclock it of course. Here’s the story as told by Steven Dufresne on Hackaday.com:

“[HydroGraphix HeadQuarters] has earned his name with this one. While he is using mineral oil instead of hydro, he’s certainly done a nice job with the graphics of it. The ‘it’ in questions is an overclocked Raspberry Pi 3 in a transparent container filled with mineral oil, and with a circulating fan.”

“He’s had no problem running the Pi at 1.45 GHz while running a Nintendo 64 emulator, getting between 40 °C and 50 °C. The circulating fan is a five volt computer USB fan. It’s hard to tell if the oil is actually moving, but we’re pretty sure we see some doing so near the end of the video below the break.”

“Mineral oil is not electrically conductive, and is often used to prevent arcing between components on high voltage multiplier boards, but those components are always soldered together. If you’ve ever worked with mineral oil, you know that it creeps into every nook and cranny, making us wonder if it might work its way between some of the (non-soldered) contacts in the various USB connectors on this Raspberry Pi. Probably not, but those of us with experience with it can attest to it’s insidiousness.”

Check out the full article here on Hackday.com
