Hardware Asylum Podcast #74a - Shocking Trends in PC Hardware

Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain return with their latest Hardware Asylum podcast. Podcast #74a takes on the topic of trends in PC hardware design, the cyclical nature of things and the dreaded topic of RGB lights. Plenty of issues to chew on. Here are the show notes:

Trends in PC hardware follow a cycle and much like fashion styles they tend to disappear for awhile and will eventually come back. For instance there was a time when 80mm LED fans were everywhere and then completely disappeared. Around the same time 120mm fans started to became popular and sparked designers to start over with their product offerings.

During this transition when fancy LED lights took a back seat while designs started to become refined and it wasn’t until recently that things started to change. Suffice to say PC lighting is currently enjoying a rebirth which could be here to stay or might be a simple fad that will quickly fade. Time will tell.

At CES 2017 RGB and Tempered Glass was everywhere. Sso much in fact that it seemed like you couldn’t properly market a product without it which is another component of this Podcast Extra where companies are telling consumers what they want to hear. Not because it is true but, because their target demographic doesn’t know any better.

Catch the full podcast from Hardware Asylum here.
