Original Abit FTP Server Re-Hosted, inc. BIOSes, Manuals and More

Abit was arguably one of a host of long lost motherboard vendors that most enthusiasts recall with a certain degree of fondness. Indeed most PC enthusiasts who were active prior to the company’s demise will remember Abit as one of the first motherboard companies to actively develop and promote specific Overclocking features. The good news today is that HWBOT Community Leader Christian Ney has uploaded a back up the original Abit website to his own domain, providing access to many of the resources that were available to the community back in the day.

According to Christian in a forum post earlier today:

“Before Abit shut down, Turrican and I made a backup of their FTP. I thought I lost it but when checking some external hard drives the other day I found the backup. I did not upload the whole backup (it is quite big). I only uploaded the BIOS, Beta, FlashMenu, Manuals and Utilities directories to my website. If you however need driver(s) or product picture(s), feel free to request them. Now if someone has a backup of DFI's… :D”

The inclusion of BIOS images will be a very helpful resource to many who still opt for an Abit board when revisiting older processor platforms, such as the Socket A / Athlon XP era which proved to be an historical point where Abit were in many respects ahead of the competition when it comes to providing innovative features that Overclockers could take advantage of.

Catch the original forum post from Christian Ney here on the HWBOT forum, or just go ahead and visit the Abit HTP server here.

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