[Video] Buildzoid Explores Intel CPU Voltages as per the Datasheet

If you are the kind of person who is prone to burning the midnight oil pouring over Intel processor datasheets, then the latest video from Buildzoid may well be the best thing you’ve seen all week. Datasheets for complex components such as processors are not always so easy to interpret, containing lots of data and numbers that may not always make complete sense for anyone except an Intel engineer. The latest video from Buildzoid sets out to debunk and demystify any potential misinterpretation; starting with the notion that 1.52V is NOT a safe maximum voltage for a modern Intel CPU:

Looking at a processor datasheet from Intel can and perhaps should be quite a challenge for the uninitiated. Buildzoid notes that there are plenty of data points that can very easily be misunderstood. He makes the point that in fact many enthusiasts and overclockers make the mistake of thinking that the figures used are literally guidelines for enthusiasts. For example, in the ‘Operating Voltage’ > ‘Voltage Range for Processor Active Operating Mode’ section we find a range of between 0.55V and 1.52V. This range has actually been consistent from Intel on its datasheets for several generations and in truth is determined to help motherboard vendors design their VRMs. It is not a guideline to inform Overclockers. Buildzoid also makes the point that in fact, when seeking advice regarding upper voltage limits, it’s good remember that it isn’t voltage that kills CPUs, it’s current. He also takes time to look at many of the side notes contained on the Intel datasheets to further clarify what can and cannot be gleaned one of these datasheets from an Oveclocking perspective. It’s a pretty informative tutorial regarding how datasheets from companies from Intel can be misinterpreted and how Overclockers should read between the lines at times.

You can catch the video from Buildzoid on his Actually Hardcore Overclocking YouTube channel here.

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