Luumi (Finland) Wins Skylake 5G Tweaker’s Challenge, GtiJason (US) Wins Haswell 5G Tweaker’s Challenge

The Skylake and Haswell 5G Tweaker’s Challenge contests were hosted on OC-ESPORTS for the duration of 2016. Unlike most Overclocking contests, the point of the Tweaker’s challenge was not to try an push a CPU or GPU as hard as possible, but instead to try and demonstrate their ability to tweak a system as best as possible while keeping the processor at or below 5GHz. The trick is to optimize memory frequencies and timings to get the absolute most from the system. This year we saw contests based on the two most recent Intel platforms; Haswell and Skylake. Let’s take a look at the winners and scoring in a little detail.

Skylake 5G Tweaker's Challenge: January 1st - December 31st 2016

The Skylake 5G Tweakers Challenge turned out to be one of the most popular contests on OC-ESPORTS. A total of 149 overclockers made a submission in the last year. The top ten also includes some of the best known and most respected Overclockers in the scene. The eventual winner however may not be so well known. Finland’s Luumi is an extreme overclocker who has certainly proved that he knows plenty of specialist knowledge about how to tweak a system. In fact his prowess is such that he managed to win all three stages.

Read the full contest roundup article here on OC-ESPORTS.
