[Video] Der8auer i7-6950X and i7-5960X Delidding Guide

Here is another great video from Der8auer, this time he tackles the issue of delidding Intel Extreme Edition processors to improve overall thermals. The issue becomes a little more complicated however with HEDT chips as the IHS is actually soldered on to the die. However, with the right tools at your disposal and the right approach, it is actually possible to delid an i7 6950X applying liquid metal to improve thermal conductivity and get lower overall temperatures. If you are curious as to how it can be down, allow our buddy to show you in this really great step by step guide.

One of the key tools that will make delidding your i7 6950X chip a great deal easier is the Delid-Die-Mate that is developed by Roman ‘Der8auer’ himself. It’s a simple camping tool which makes removing the IHS infinitely easier, allowing you just turn a screw and apply enormously leveraged pressure to simply pop the lid of the chip off. In fact Roman has developed a special Delid-Die-Mate Extreme, a larger version made of aluminum specifically to delid soldered, socket 2011 processors.

After testing his delided Broadwell-E, it turns out that there is in fact a tangible benefit to going through the delidding process in terms of improved thermals, although they don’t quite match up to the benefits seen on equivalent Haswell-E chips.

Make sure to check out the video guide on the der8auer YouTube channel.

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