Nvidia GTX 1080 Gets Uncorked: Hardware Mod Guide

The guys at EVGA have of course already been hands on with the new Nvidia GTX 1080 ‘Pascal’ graphics card for some time now, and have had plenty of time to get intimate with the chip, the power design and cooling in its Founders Edition iteration. EVGA engineering master TiN in fact recently published a full ‘uncork’ guide that reveals the new 1080 card in all its naked glory with step by step instruction on how to hardware mod the card and prep it for extreme sub zero overclocking.

As ever the guide is very well put together with tons of details that will be essential to any overclocker less familiar with the darker arts of graphics card modding. Topics covered include the tools you will need, images of the card’s key components (in high-resolution photos), advice about stripping the card, uncorking the power, voltage modding, trim pot modding, PLL voltage trim pot modding and aux voltage trim pot modding.

The guide is a solid, professional approach to graphics card modding with specific focus on the GTX 1080 card. A truly valuable resource for anyone vaguely interested in modding Nvidia’s latest and greatest.

You can catch the full article on xDevs, plus a forum thread on kingpincooling.com.
