[Video] HWBOT World Tour 2016 North America, the Aftermovie

It’s been a few weeks since the dust settled on the North American leg of the HWBOT World Tour, but if you have any interest in what happened in Montreal, Canada, you can now relive the entire week in less then five minutes thanks to a superb Aftermovie from the guys at OverClocking-TV.

This year sees the second ever HWBOT World Tour, an ambitious project that attempts to reach out to potential and established overclockers around the world. With stops in South Africa, Europe, North America and Asia, the central idea is to promote Overclocking to gamers and enthusiasts, attending large gaming events and inviting attendees to not only get exposed to real sub-zero oveclocking, but also get hands on with free OC Workshops where seasoned veterans show total noobs the ropes. The North American stop was at LanETS in Montreal Canada, one of the biggest LAN events on the continent, and as you can see from the video, a pretty good time was had by all. You can learn more about the HWBOT World Tour 2016 stop at LanETS here.

Check out the North America aftermovie here. Also, don’t forget you can also catch full replays of the action from the semi-finals and finals, plus interviews with the winners and more by checking out this playlist on the OverClocking-TV YouTube channel.

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