HWBOT Announces Contest Rules for World Series at LanETS Canada


The HWBOT World Tour 2016 arrives in Canada on April 15th in time for LanETS, the biggest gaming event in North America. Competitive overclocking takes center stage with both Amateur World Series and Extreme Overclocking contests offering plenty of excitement where great hardware prizes are at stake, plus a chance to appear in the HWBOT World Championship Finals. Today we can bring you more details about contest format and rules.

The central concept of the HWBOT World Tour is to raise the exposure of overclocking with PC gamers and enthusiasts around the world. Each stop of the World Tour uses a major PC gaming event as a backdrop, providing overclocking Workshops where visitors at the event can learn more about their hardware and gain the basic skills needed to improve system performance.

However, an important part of nurturing the next generation of overclockers also involves exposing them to solid competitive action so that they really do understand the true nature of overclocking as an eSport. For this reason the World Tour also integrates two levels of competitive OC action with World Series events for both Amateur and Extreme players. Let’s take a look at how these contests are setup.

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