AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz Edition Perfect Choice for Old School is Best School

If you have been keeping a close eye on the OC-ESPORTS competition schedule, you will know that the Old School is Best School Season 2 kicked off on January 1st. In the first round the hardware requirements are a Slot A processor and a Riva TNT graphics card.

We are half way the competition and I.nfraR.ed from Bulgaria topping the 3DMark99 leaderboard with an interesting setup. The AMD Athlon 1000 MHz Thunderbird seems to be a good choice as the Bulgarian team is in the lead by quite a margin. So far the Thunderbird is only overclocked by 10% and given it's the very first score of this CPU in our database it's hard to tell where it will land eventually. For your information, the fastest SuperPI 1M with a Thunderbird core is from Kotori (Japan) with an Athlon 900MHz overclocked to 1140MHz. The highest validation is also by the hand of Kotori at 1170 MHz.

The 1GHz Thunderbird edition seems like a perfect choice for the Old School is Best School competition. Will someone be able to surpass I.nfraR.ed? Time will tell! Check out the 3DMark99 submission here and the Old School is Best School Season 2 Round 1 details here.

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