TAGG Wins Rookie Rumble #25, cjgdsgrc50 Wins AMD #22

The 25th round of the Rookie Rumble on OC-ESPORTS just came to a head a few days ago and as if to underline the sheer diversity of the Rookie overclocking scene we find the top three finishers to be entirely new faces. Top place in the Intel Rumble goes to TAGG from Austria who takes the Round 35 crown with one stage win and a total points haul of 112. Germany’s mische37 came second with 105 points and a an outright win Stage 2. Interestingly it turns out that our third place finisher, cjgdsgrc50 is also our AMD Rumble winner. Let’s look at the stages in a little more detail.

Of course the first thing to note when looking at the AMD leaderboard in round #22 is the presence not only of our third place Rumble #25 finisher at the top of the table, but of several players that featured on the Intel side of the street. cjgdsgrc50 came out of top with 116 points and a win in Stage 2, but hot on his heels with 115 points is our Iranian buddy S H A Y A N. Ukrainian Kos_S might be forgiven for being a touch disappointed with his performance this round, arriving third after having taken the AMD crown in the last two AMD Rookie Rumbles.

Full article at OC-ESPORTS: http://oc-esports.io/#!/article/3282/tagg_wins_rookie_rumble_25_cjgdsgrc50_wins_amd_22

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