Scott Wasson (The Tech Report) Joins AMD Radeon Technlogies Group

In a blog post at The Tech Report, Scott Wasson announced he will be joining the Radeon Technologies Group at AMD to work on implementing the frame-time-based testing methods for game perfomance. Scott pioneered the frame-time benchmark methodology and will now help AMD improve future graphics products.

Scott Wasson has been a part of the technology review inner circle for about sixteen years. He grew along with the site to become one of the more reputable publications on the web. Along with the frame-time reports, he was also one of the few people to comment on AMD's Tonga architecture having a larger 384-bit memory bus than the 256-bit bus you can find on the retail products.

With Scott's move to AMD, the hardware review community loses another bright mind after Anand's move to Apple earlier this year.

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