SergeyR Wins Rookie Rumble #24 Again, Kos_S Wins AMD #21... Again

The 24th installment of the Rookie Rumble on OC-ESPORTS has just concluded with a distinctly ‘Ground Hog Day’ flavor to it. Ukrainian overclocker SergeyR again makes a full sweep of all three stages to claim a second consecutive Rookie Rumble title. While in terms of AMD rookie action, we also see a repeat of the previous round with Kos_S taking the AMD Rookie Rumble #21 title. Let’s look at the stages, scores and winners in a little more detail.

Secondly congrats to SergeyR for a dominant display that saw him not only claim all three stages once again, but also hit a number of scores that out-do his previous personal bests from the last round. Also congrats to and TAGG for their efforts in reaching second and third places on the podium. We should keep an eye on these two rising stars.


Congrats to all the AMD enthusiasts who took part. Especially to Kos_S who proved once again to be a worthy champion.

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