ASUS ROG Z170 Absolute Zero - Overclocking Event Video (with Liquid Helium!)

On August 5, ASUS along with its parnters smashed the Skylake Z170 launch with a total of 7 World Records and 17 Global First Places (includes the world records) on their Maximus VIII series boards. Unleashing the power at a pre-launch in-house Absolute Zero overclocking event with Liquid Helium, the video recorded everything and the video now available on YouTube.

The video features BarboneNet from Italy, Coolice from Malaysia, der8auer and Dancop from Germany, dRweEz from South Africa, Elmor from Sweden, Fredyama from Japan, Shamino from Singapore and Smoke from Russia. Click on the image to view the video or click HERE to go straight to YouTube.
