OC-ESPORTS v1.2.1 Released: Major Speed Improvement, Official World Overclocking Ranking, and Plenty of Bugfixes

Last week we finally moved OC-ESPORTS V1.2.1 to our production server, publishing the Official World Overclocking Ranking and OC Team Ranking for the 2015 Season. The update did not go unnoticed, as you probably know, which is why we're a bit late with the details on the new version.

In V1.2.1 we also included a couple of tweaks that should improve the browsing speed significantly. We know the OC-ESPORTS experience was a bit laggy in the beginning, but by now all the browsing performance issues should be resolved. We also upgraded our Amazon servers to handle the additional load - we are prepared, in other words. Another annoying bug our developers fixed is the auto-login functionality. From V1.2.1 forward you should have no problems auto-logging in to OC-ESPORTS. We have also expanded the site with a couple of information pages. For the full changelog please refer to the list below. As always, feel free to let us know if you experience more bugs or have feedback to improve the experience!


  • [HWBESPORT-182] - Commenting on score on ESPORTS creates thread referencing the competition stage
  • [HWBESPORT-183] - Top banner is shown twice
  • [HWBESPORT-185] - 2015 schedule very incorrect (competitions show on the wrong months)
  • [HWBESPORT-186] - Clicking on title of news item using IE11 leads to 404
  • [HWBESPORT-188] - First in ranking is ranked "0th" when contest_team table is used
  • [HWBESPORT-189] - Contest with competition teams says "0 pro teams"
  • [HWBESPORT-190] - Rank not +1 if team doesn't score points in ranking
  • [HWBESPORT-215] - Release work


  • [HWBESPORT-203] - Competition stage says open for submission, but stage hasn't opened yet
  • [HWBESPORT-207] - Improve Usability Points Popup on Rankings page
  • [HWBESPORT-209] - Improve explanation of global leaderboard point structure

New Feature

  • [HWBESPORT-198] - A user can only score points in 1 of the Road To Pro Divisions
  • [HWBESPORT-217] - Speed optimizations: compression, concatting, minifying, js + css + json


  • [HWBESPORT-78] - Global Leaderboard Points System
  • [HWBESPORT-204] - Remember me cookie optimizations


  • [HWBESPORT-174] - Spike: server optimalization during peak
  • [HWBESPORT-196] - Add Press Center

Sub Task

  • [HWBESPORT-191] - Road to pro: PRO OC show leading team, not leading member
  • [HWBESPORT-192] - Allow filtering on country and user league
  • [HWBESPORT-193] - Competition participation point, include in oc-esports and refactor
  • [HWBESPORT-194] - Adjust points distribution
  • [HWBESPORT-200] - Points in case of team/competition team/country competitions
