Moderator Ranking 2014 Updated: Christian Ney Close to 3000 Actions This Year

The operations of HWBOT have been expanding significantly over the past years. From a forum bot collecting overclocking results around the internet we moved to our own website with leagues and competitions and are now looking at organizing our own live events. The size of this community is fairly small compared to for example the gaming community, but that doesn't make the management a lot easier. In fact due to the technical nature of our hobby and passion, HWBOT can simply not exist without the great effort from our largely volunteer staff.

Under the lead of Head of Moderating Christian Ney, the moderating team is on track to a record-breaking 2014 in terms of result moderating. The year is now 275 days old and Christian Ney has executed 2863 moderator actions. That's up from 1880 32 days ago! That's an average of 10.4 moderated scores per day! El Genieben is earning his stripes as well, following at 2081 moderator actions.

Of course moderating is only a part of the work our complete moderator staff takes care of. This does not include the discussions, conference calls, contact with benchmark developers, taking care of the hardware database, developing software tools and so much more. Thank you very much for your hard work and effort, Staff! Without you HWBOT would not be what it is today!

Moderations Moderator
2863Christian Ney

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