HardwareAsylum: Computex 2014 HWBOT OC Gathering Report

HardwareAsylum put up this nice article about the HWBOT OC Anniversary Gathering with lots of pictures, check it out here!

The venue for the HWBOT event was held at an industrial location called “MakerBar”. As the name suggests it is similar to the maker bars in the states where you can bring your creative ideas and have a place to make them happen. For the event a good portion of the place was rented out so the overclockers could have plenty of room to work, socialize and collaborate.

Of course there as a small subset of hardware was available like power supplies, monitors, keyboards and mice so all the overclockers needed to bring was the hardware they intended to use which ranged from high-end Asus Matrix and EVGA Classified video cards to a grip of Core i7 4770k processors.

The event was really quite fun and served as a nice distraction for most and a way to un-wind after the stressful Computex show. I for one hope these sorts of events continue and ith any luck this OC Gathering will become an annual event.

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