GIGABYTE Z87 Windows XP downloads, OC Button drivers, GTL2.0 & Intel ME

The overclockers from GIGABYTE just uploaded a bunch of useful tools for the Z87X-OC motherboard

I've noticed a few comments online asking about drivers for Z87 platform for Windows XP so I've decided to upload the version that works properly. We've also just received our copy of GTL2.0 (GIGABYTE Tweak Launcher software) just in before the weekend for most. It still has a little bit of functionality to be added but we figured the key ones would be useful for you to use in the meantime.

BelgiumMassman sagt:

Moved to Haswell section

Croatiastasio sagt:

Windows 7 & 8 Z87 OC Buttons driver......


Not Found

Error 404

United StatesChanceCoats123 sagt:

So much for purely hardware buttons. :-/

United Statessin0822 sagt:

here is a download link that works for the 7 and 8 driver:


the buttons work directly with the BIOS, but INtel has made it so there need to be drivers to support the functions.

Croatiastasio sagt:

Any other link?

tried with Firefox,IE,Safari,Maxton..........not go.

You can registred on (no captcha) and have all files there.



Done,after 30min........

United Statessin0822 sagt:

i posted the win7 and win8 one here:


Windows 7 & 8 Z87 OC Buttons driver......


Not Found

Error 404


ive fixed it now mate

Croatiastasio sagt:


BelgiumGamer sagt:

You have to try a few times, worked here.

Croatiastasio sagt:

XP version no problem from first day,Win 7/8 version error and both are on the same host.

Nvm,already got by Sin.


im not sure if massman updated the links in his thread here but if you go to GBT Tech Daily and click on it, it should work. i just tried it now and it works

BelgiumMassman sagt:

Rehosted on the cloud storage so you don't have to go via Mediafire :)


- GTL2.0: download

- ME for XP: download

- OC Button XP: download

- OC Button W7/W8: download


Thanks mate


I have an updated version of GTL incoming when cookie gets back so will upload it in this thread also

United Statessin0822 sagt:

better download them now before the cloud dissipates, im gonna make it rain!

Croatiastasio sagt:

Still raining.......

BelgiumTeemto sagt:

Can you also share the AHCI driver for XP? Thx

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