HWBOT Country Cup 2010

12.25.2010 12:00 +0000
01.25.2011 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • HWBOT Country Cup 2010 is closed since 25 January 2011
  • This competition is between countries


Rank Participant Single VGA Heaven DX11 MaxxMem LGA1366 3DMark03 IGP SuperPI 32M LGA775 3DMark01 un-LGA775'd Reference Clock AMD
1 8 pts 6 pts 8 pts 2 pts 10 pts 10 pts 44 pts
2 10 pts 10 pts 3 pts 4 pts 8 pts 5 pts 40 pts
3 3 pts 8 pts 10 pts 6 pts 2 pts 8 pts 37 pts
4 6 pts 5 pts 5 pts 8 pts 6 pts 2 pts 32 pts
5 5 pts 4 pts 6 pts 10 pts 4 pts 0 pts 29 pts
6 0 pts 2 pts 2 pts 0 pts 5 pts 6 pts 15 pts
7 4 pts 3 pts 0 pts 1 pts 0 pts 0 pts 8 pts
8 0 pts 1 pts 1 pts 0 pts 1 pts 4 pts 7 pts
9 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 5 pts 0 pts 1 pts 6 pts
10 0 pts 0 pts 4 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 4 pts
11 1 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 3 pts 0 pts 4 pts
12 0 pts 0 pts 3 pts 0 pts 3 pts
13 0 pts 0 pts 3 pts 3 pts
14 2 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 2 pts
15 0 pts 0 pts
16 0 pts 0 pts
17 0 pts 0 pts
18 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
19 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
20 0 pts 0 pts
21 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
22 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
23 0 pts 0 pts
24 0 pts 0 pts
25 0 pts 0 pts
26 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
27 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
28 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
29 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
30 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
31 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
32 0 pts 0 pts
33 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
34 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts

Awarded Season Points

Rank Country Season Points Active Members
1 50 Samendk, Ananerbe, Smoke, brian, D'n'B, Lex_, ef1r, kim55, TerraRaptor, S_A_V, DFB, HowToPlay, DeDaL, Citrus, DFX, NeoForce, slamms, Alexey17, SV1SH, vow
2 44 mortisboy, Aristidis, g10, Dinos111, kintaro, Boton, tony340, OGS, varachio, zoro, junior-21-, jgamdxx4, Nickolaos, ADW2010 PcMark Team, yamahar1, zafiropo, icsd_sap, crio
3 39 megawriter, AUDIDHH, Demiurge, donvitovd, d1am0nd, awful, mollov, vessk0, Septemvri, nonler, te0o, Dk_vr, fgi, unvalued, I.nfraR.ed, stefanovasj, Morgan_BG, a4kata_pz, GunGod, lkozarov, therager, bavareca_m3, God_bg, raichev83, nickless, LeGaL^CriMeR, Be CooL, stealthhack, feniksgod, Stuen4y, dancho6500, The_Game, Slu4ainiК, XpuctoC., fiuri, OLDcomer
4 35 err0r, nachtfalke, bog_xdan, Monstru, 4ndr31, Nik3, kobro, jok3r4u, casuta, BoTSkill, Scarfy, Superclocked, [Wanted], Morpheu, Micutzu, poparamiro, i860, SAMBA, Lekritze, reti, pasatoiutd, matose, TheDogg, christianson
5 32 sgd02, burnHH, RedCobra, xXRadioaktivXx, Strunkenbold, Blackbolt, DopeLex, Dancop, Vialet, BeetleatWar1977, Kurbel, Don_Dan, RoccoESA, der8auer, Prudii, DJRamses, isulk, P5Bencher, dernettemann, theLamer, Mome, stummerwinter, Chrisch, u22, SoF, fuzz3l, Ewu80, DocFellatio, stunned_guy, StrixXx, Beloe.
6 30 micul, MTP04, mkultra, Crantana, 3oh6, FtW, Dead Things, jibz, Rasparthe, MrTOOSHORT, ZZLEE, kirbster
7 28 G.Foyle, koziro, RemiKo, MaSell, d3mox, Chaos, MILANS, sulaco, atomel, Ryba, DEVILEK
8 26 mrinfinit3, Johnksss, Lordred, Hondacity, Bones, Stone_age, OC Maximus, chew*, Linuxfan, cool_case, SteveRo, boredgunner, Sduneman3, trans am
9 24 ]siNNer[, stormgiant, Xun1ng, speedy_ssj3, darkage, Rustyballzz, jpgod
10 22 ilusindo, placid, armedkris, l33ku1
11 21 S@ber, sember, p7_man, wegetti, karppaj
12 20 leeghoofd, Massman, geoffrey, The Overclocking Knights, Teemto, Gamer
13 19 Rock409, mrhanky, SWED, Recruit1406, DEEP_1984, nornad, md5, bit1der
14 18 Rulez, Dupas, joe90br, Handrox, Alex Darkvenom, siraoooo, gsperes, Dan Jacques, NoMS, octaivermatt, Marco P./CjBA, pepe_sbs, elyeder, hotnikQ, Faster, EtrnlWait, PsR, SnackS, OverHeat Pcmaster CWB, riwar
15 17 TaPaKaH, Arjan400016, Sanders, l3p, Rodhizzle, dopestuff, ThierryNL
16 16 Juanete
17 15 K404, ezgonzo, IanCutress, HiVizMan, ScunnyUK, topdog, ARandomOWL, Evocarlos, Kr0nz3, Dualist, RawZ, stawte, blindfitter, slagsmal
18 14 Highgertz, T0lsty
19 13 Dreadlockyx
20 12 Calathea, krrjon, DrSwizz, VlaXioZ, Saandberg, ST33N, flipz0r, InluZion, nex_73, HerrKaniN
21 11 seraphs, chickenbeef
22 10 Moonman
23 9 henrikw92, Radeon, Mydog
24 8 dafreak
25 7 PcCI2iminal
26 6 dvd93, Caos85, Palmino89
27 5 mohamad70, ViViD, Majid OC, Amin_CaraGT2, Extreme
28 4 sumonpathak, g33kr4g3
29 3 over@locker886, subaruwrc, Johni5, 04ahgy, Zsolo
30 2 Koubbyzzz, 0b1, Wizerty, Maedhros
31 2 Sadeuz, iceman182, luque, millerfaz, M i x, Konen, saint19
32 2 avas911
33 2 snadmin, t_7, Gurellaz696
34 2 GoldenX, ehx, Javier., Sweet, cristian.a, TimoLobo, LuiGGy, Warrior_oF_Byte, nacho_arroyo, fuchinnix, herejito

First Position

44 pts Romania


December 19, 2010 at 3:31:58 PM UTC

how about adding a pcmark stage - either 05 or pcmv?

December 19, 2010 at 4:08:11 PM UTC

how about adding a pcmark stage - either 05 or pcmv?


I agree with SteveRo :D

December 19, 2010 at 5:28:06 PM UTC

I take care of Reference Clock stage. =D

December 19, 2010 at 5:38:34 PM UTC

how about adding a pcmark stage - either 05 or pcmv?


We definitly considered either one of the benchmarks, but in the end decided not to. The reason is that both benchmarks are too storage dependant, which would require people to either spend a lot of money on the hardware required or just share the storage setup.


The idea of this competition is that people with different setups can bench for to push their country and at the same time keeping the cost as low as possible.

December 20, 2010 at 6:54:19 PM UTC

This looks good, I can't wait to enter. I think that this is a good opportunity to me for enter in a contest that doesn't need high end components :)

December 21, 2010 at 2:09:43 PM UTC

!! Important note !!


Competition scheme adjusted slightly; each stage lasts 15/16 days - last stage starts when first stage ends.

December 21, 2010 at 3:40:14 PM UTC

:) I need wait until January 10, Why only core clock for AMD?

December 24, 2010 at 10:39:32 PM UTC

it's time for the first stage ;)



edit : local time is not french time ;)

December 25, 2010 at 1:55:01 PM UTC

After all, the ranking is not based on a single submission but on the average of top-3 submissions per country.

what if there's only 1 score from a Country?

December 25, 2010 at 1:57:28 PM UTC

I would think that score is divided by three then: (xxx + 0 + 0)/3 = xxx/3.

December 25, 2010 at 1:59:09 PM UTC

so the countries with less OCers gets it in the a$$???


and how the "must use different hardware" rule is applied?


let's say in stage 1 there's:


2x 580

4x 480

1x 5770


final results would be with(best 580+best 480+5770)/3=final score?

December 25, 2010 at 4:44:00 PM UTC

what if there's only 1 score from a Country?


That means one person needs to motivate two other people to bench as well ;)



so the countries with less OCers gets it in the a$$???


and how the "must use different hardware" rule is applied?


let's say in stage 1 there's:


2x 580

4x 480

1x 5770


final results would be with(best 580+best 480+5770)/3=final score?



December 25, 2010 at 8:36:51 PM UTC

Hm. There seems to be some bug ...

December 26, 2010 at 3:45:10 AM UTC

lol i was gonna ask, if one individual can sumbit all 3 scores but i guess you already answered that with your score

now i need to find a canadian with either a 69XX or 570 :D, because i don't think my 5450 will help much ahahaha

December 26, 2010 at 10:22:45 AM UTC

I think the top 3 should use different hardware rule must go... I know it is intented to avoid hardware sharing, but it makes the compo a lot more complicated...and maybe less attractive... at least if you want to compete for top 3/5 spot...


Better do one user = one submit with one type of hardware

December 26, 2010 at 10:38:13 AM UTC

So, it's 'better' to have a competition where you need three people with GTX580?

December 26, 2010 at 10:54:26 AM UTC

Who has got 3 GTX 580s ? I know what you want to do or to achieve, but it's gonna be tougher than ever...


It's just the fact that many users have similar hardware in their setups (GTX 460/470/480 or 5850 or 5870)... why not letting them all count, and eg just either make an average score per card... Or if a country just has 3 scores makes an average score for the country total... lucky for them if they have GTX 580s available... too bad for the others...

December 26, 2010 at 11:12:59 AM UTC

It's just the fact that many users have similar hardware in their setups (GTX 460/470/480 or 5850 or 5870)


So, it's always possible to find 3 people with different hardware?

December 26, 2010 at 11:17:40 AM UTC

Try it, you will be dissapointed in some regions !! If you take the average per card it might motivate people to do a better effort, but you are prolly outsmarting me again :P

December 26, 2010 at 11:25:50 AM UTC

If you take average per card, you just create an atmosphere of hate towards people who just join for fun.


1. 2000p

2. 1500p

-- avg = 1750p

3. 1000p

-- avg = 1500p

4. 750p

-- avg = 1312,5


In other words: the moment someone submits a crap score, the entire average drops. Explain how this is good?

December 26, 2010 at 11:33:30 AM UTC

So we don't join for fun ? For ya negative atmosphere aspect : That's just the way it is !! Same for this : Not everyone can bench on SS or LN2 on the cards... It's the same if you can gather a 570/580 and 5970 in ya country and another country can only get a 460, 6850 and a 5770... only one option : live with it !! That's why it's country cup, not team based, nor individual PJ.. everyone can join, being it good or bad for the final outcome... think the idea is to gather scores per country not ? Just to get some more OC motivation flowing !


But you can reverse that on me and say live with my rules :P

December 26, 2010 at 11:48:07 AM UTC



How is it motivating to know that if you delete your submission, the average would go up and the ranking of your country would be higher?

December 26, 2010 at 12:00:28 PM UTC

Be honest : who of the "fun" benchers would think as such from the start ? Maybe they just want to contribute !! let's see what the outcome is of the first stage(s) ... I'm sceptical, as usual...


I can't do anything else for stage 1... no other DX11 cards here, let's see if we can get 3 decent results for a real average score for Belgium...

December 26, 2010 at 12:08:46 PM UTC

This is making no sense at all; I'm completely lost in what you're trying to accomplish :P.


As far as I understand, contributing to the country average is the most important thing even if it completely destroys the county average? It would be 'more fun'? What's so fun about contributing if you destroy the team's (country's) chances on winning?

December 26, 2010 at 12:16:50 PM UTC

In your point of view :

Let's take Canada : any user that has got no access to SS or more extreme cooling is no longer required to bench the GTX 480 or 580 as MK-Ultra has already set two nice scores... So what option do the rest have tht have got no access to extreme cooling ? Only thing that jumps to mind is another card to contribute. But keeping in your 70 year old mindthought : IF they want to contribute to a good score and keep up the pace MK set, they have to grab either GTX 570 or a 5970 cards to bench... If possible first let the guys with air or stock coolers contribute (just to make them feel they contributed something ) As from the moment another sub zero cooling score is posted again, it's over and done... still makes the guys that somehow contributed on air or co left out in the end...


The fun could quickly over in my opinion...


Result = everybody moves on to the next stage... what happens there, similar stuff...

December 26, 2010 at 12:26:44 PM UTC

I think it's a nice idea to have different HW, it solves GPU sharing issues in a very elegant way:D


I guess the best combo is 480/570/580...? 480's are fairly cheap second hand:) seen a few at $350 here, which is not much at all when we're talking about highend parts.

December 26, 2010 at 12:26:54 PM UTC

Ok, so it is 'more fun' to contribute and lower the country's score?

December 26, 2010 at 1:32:12 PM UTC

At least you can contribute... at first you have no idea if it's for better of for worse !! As you have got no idea how the outcome will be... you can decide in the end if your final score will lower the total much yes or no,.. it's the score algorithm that will make or break it... can you motivate yourself to post an inferior score on stock cooling, when someone else put the same card on SS or LN2 already... posting that score is useless in the current state...


If you fail to see that, then I rest my case... I'm out, no need to discuss it any longer


I think it's a nice idea to have different HW, it solves GPU sharing issues in a very elegant way:D


Think you look at it way to basic... it doesn't solve anything it makes it a bit more harder ( maybe )

December 26, 2010 at 1:39:07 PM UTC

Now you can also join the team, even if you submission doesn't help the score in a particular stage. Even if it was just to motivate the troops ...


I don't understand how 'I contributed' outweighs 'I made our score worse and the team drop in the rankings'. I would even argue that contributing a score that hurts the team average is worse for the team-spirit and promotes the desire of the individual.


Being at the side and supporting/cheering on/helping your team mates even if you don't get any personal gain out of it is, in my opinion, much more 'team spirit' than trying to get some credit for yourself (= submitting a score) and hurting the team by doing so.

December 26, 2010 at 4:20:55 PM UTC



which overclocking competition won't end up with ln2 cooled high-ends card dominating everything?

i mean unless you restrict the cooling methods it will always end up like this



btw massman

how come belgium gets a score with only 2 GPU benched?

December 26, 2010 at 4:30:46 PM UTC

btw massman

how come belgium gets a score with only 2 GPU benched?


Small bug in the code; should be fixed soon.

December 26, 2010 at 4:32:56 PM UTC


that's the bug you were talking about

December 26, 2010 at 6:17:43 PM UTC



which overclocking competition won't end up with ln2 cooled high-ends card dominating everything?

i mean unless you restrict the cooling methods it will always end up like this


Yep, but with the use diff hardware rule, there aren't many options open, if one of the country members goes straight out and bench the bejeezus out of a card on phase or LN2... I don't see myself buying a GTX 570 or co for a single stage :P

December 26, 2010 at 11:44:40 PM UTC

how come i dont see my submission?

December 27, 2010 at 7:45:34 AM UTC

Your submission is there (see submission details) , but the USA still needs a 3rd score to obtain an average result. Ours (belgium) was a test score and is bugged (invalid 2 x GTX 480) :P Just to test the points algorithm...


So it's Russia in the lead !!!

December 27, 2010 at 10:32:04 AM UTC

it was because i wasn't even submitting it in the right place...lol

under competitions

December 27, 2010 at 2:44:49 PM UTC

a question about this rule:


"In addition to last year's rules, the top-3 must use different (!) hardware."


what does hardware mean? for gpu benchmarks differenct gpus and for cpu benchmarks differenct cpus, memory benchmarks different memory?


Stage 1: Single VGA Heaven DX11-- ONLY different graphics card is needed?

Stage 2: MaxxMem LGA1366 ------- ONLY different memery is needed?

Stage 3: 3DMark03 IGP.------------ ONLY different cpu is needed?

Stage 4: SuperPI 32M LGA775------ ONLY different cpu is needed?

Stage 5: 3DMark01 un-LGA775'd---- ONLY different graphics card is needed?

Stage 6: Reference Clock AMD------ ONLY differenc cpu is needed?


thanks and good luck for everybody

December 28, 2010 at 6:04:22 AM UTC

Stage 1: Single VGA Heaven DX11-- GPU

Stage 2: MaxxMem LGA1366 ------- MEM

Stage 3: 3DMark03 IGP ------------ GPU

Stage 4: SuperPI 32M LGA775------ CPU

Stage 5: 3DMark01 un-LGA775'd---- GPU

Stage 6: Reference Clock AMD------ Mainboard

December 28, 2010 at 11:41:55 AM UTC

For those who didn't notice, the rankings are fixed!

December 28, 2010 at 12:23:38 PM UTC

Hmm, I like this different hardware rule, it makes people find the best 3 solutions and use them, instead of using the obvious 3 x same most powerfull solution (like 3 x GTX 580 for 3 Unigine scores, now had to be done with GTX 580 and two other model VGA's). I think this is a very good addition to the competition. At this moment the only 2 things I am not very fond of are the period for the competition, and the Maxxmem which I personally really do not like, but that's just my opinion :)

December 28, 2010 at 12:42:06 PM UTC

and the Maxxmem which I personally really do not like


Hey, there has to be some way to beat Romania this year :D

December 28, 2010 at 3:28:39 PM UTC

Monstru MaxxMem is very intresting test :D Run=>Reboot Run=>Reboot Run=>Reboot )))

December 28, 2010 at 8:33:04 PM UTC

Oh well, what can we do, let's warm up a bit :P

December 28, 2010 at 9:09:25 PM UTC

Ok, guys. Lets go -) Nice to see your results

December 28, 2010 at 9:59:20 PM UTC

Nice to see Vlad's crazy Unigine too :D

December 28, 2010 at 10:54:48 PM UTC

The ranking doesn't seem to take the best submission for a particular card (GTX580 for example). Maybe a bug?

December 29, 2010 at 9:11:02 AM UTC

A bug, yes. I'll have to manually force the engine to see the engine to check out the right score.

December 29, 2010 at 11:05:25 AM UTC

Pro-tip for this competition:


The engine does NOT select the best possible combination to calculate the average for you, but automatically selects the highest scores. This means the team needs to figure out what's the best combo!




Mkultra is now taking up the slot for the GTX580, which prevents FtW from using his GTX580 score to help the team or Mkultra for having his GTX480. So, if you count the scores that are being used for the competition now you get:


1952.05 - GTX580 - Mkultra

1306.54 - GTX570 - Micul

785.42 - GTX460 - Jibz

-> Average = 1348.17


Now, if Mkultra allows FTW to take the GTX580 slot by deleting his submission, the ranking becomes:


1673.49 - GTX580 - FtW

1671.63 - GTX480 - Mkultra

1306.54 - GTX570 - Micul

-> Average = 1550.55

December 29, 2010 at 2:34:54 PM UTC

so one individual cannot have 2 score for his team?

December 29, 2010 at 2:37:00 PM UTC

You can, but it's possible you'll 'block' the way for another team member to contribute his lower score.

December 29, 2010 at 2:38:53 PM UTC

Do laptop graphics card (9300M GS) count as IGP or does it have to be integrated to the motherboard (ex: 890GX) ?

December 29, 2010 at 2:53:40 PM UTC

Isn't the 9300M GS a separate PCB? If yes, it's not integrated

December 29, 2010 at 2:55:02 PM UTC

ok but you said above that the engine selects the highest scores right?


highest score are:

580 =19XX




why does it drop the 570 run if i submit my 580 if i can submit 2 results and if it uses the highest score, the 570 run should be counted no?

sorry i'm a real PITA i know ahahahah

December 29, 2010 at 2:58:34 PM UTC

Because it's a country cup, not a user cup :)


One user can only provide one of the three submissions.

December 29, 2010 at 3:08:18 PM UTC

well that's what i asked oi my other post...only 1 user score is counted

ok that makes more sense

December 29, 2010 at 3:23:28 PM UTC

There was three parts (I suppose CPU, GPU and chipset), so it's not integrated. :P

December 29, 2010 at 4:26:56 PM UTC


The ranking doesn't seem to take the best submission for a particular card (GTX580 for example). Maybe a bug?


Bug will be addressed ASAP! Sorry for the inconvenience :)

December 30, 2010 at 7:56:21 AM UTC

For Canada's scores mrtooshort entered a higher 570 score than the current 1306 this afternoon, but the scoreboard isn't updating with it.


December 31, 2010 at 9:22:40 AM UTC



To work around the the bug I've temporarily unlinked the scores that were causing the 'lockup' so the engine could scan the right ones and so we have the right ranking. The bug'll be fixed shortly and then we can link all scores back to the stage :).

January 3, 2011 at 10:19:25 AM UTC

You guys might want to check out the prize updates ;)

January 3, 2011 at 7:14:10 PM UTC

Go greece!

January 6, 2011 at 10:51:53 AM UTC

You might want to -again- check out the front page :)

January 6, 2011 at 2:25:26 PM UTC

mass, you are driving us crazy :P

at the end we will be devorced! :D

and still waiting for SB to be available ;)

just wonderful competition!

January 9, 2011 at 9:42:42 AM UTC

please add Radeon HD 4250 as IGP. It's integrated on AMD 880G chipset

January 9, 2011 at 9:48:05 PM UTC

Quick question, is 5970 accepted as single card in stage 1, even with two gpus?

January 10, 2011 at 10:13:26 AM UTC

Just went over all results for stage 1. Removed this score because the incorrect background was used:


- http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1096946_


All other scores look fine! :)


please add Radeon HD 4250 as IGP. It's integrated on AMD 880G chipset




siNNer[;88298']Quick question' date=' is 5970 accepted as single card in stage 1, even with two gpus?[/quote']


What do the rules say? :)

January 10, 2011 at 7:38:34 PM UTC

we need more german stage 6 submissions.

with some more points germany will take first place :P




January 10, 2011 at 11:03:21 PM UTC

Go Germany Go !!!!

January 16, 2011 at 11:17:18 AM UTC

I don't suppose any of you can get romania's national television (TVR 2). In half an hour we will have a material there about Country Cup. I'll put it on YouTube next week :)

January 22, 2011 at 11:08:14 AM UTC

Great Win Tudor for the 01 compo... gonna be a tight call to be crowned king again !!

January 22, 2011 at 11:17:57 AM UTC

Heh, it's a team effort :)


Last stage is a bitch, yes :)

January 25, 2011 at 9:49:11 AM UTC

Romania has it in their own hands ... they just need to beat the Russians to win :)

January 25, 2011 at 9:52:21 AM UTC

I hope we can manage that :)

January 25, 2011 at 10:19:30 AM UTC

Go! Go! Go!

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