Intel XTU: Analyze

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pagos1988`s Core i7 4700MQ at 3600MHz with an Toshiba VG10S motherboard

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pagos1988`s Core i7 4700MQ at 3600MHz with an Toshiba VG10S motherboard

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    Italypagos1988 says:

    Hello everyone! This is my first time here, and the first time I overclocked my i7-4700mq. I am very happy with this CPU (really fast on AC and very parsimonious on DC), but.. I want to push it to its maximum in both of the ways! So.. I raised up the multipliers (the main clock is locked); easy task. Now I would really like to lower down the voltages; could somebody give me some hint? Did you already did this? If so, did you work on the main voltage, or on the dynamic ones? Which values did you use? Thank you very much to whoever will answer!

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