Rankings and Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Team Power Rank
20.6 Points
Say what? Oo
Whut! Damn.
Elpida BDBG ?
WOW. Incredible!
wish i never sold my kingstons 1gb sticks, amazing work guys
TaPaKaH > yes
congratulations guys, it's mind-blowing!
wow!!!! Thats impressive as pink hell! Congratulations! Awesome.
oh oh
How much voltage was required on RAM/CPU/NB?
Great work guys! Just awesome!
Thx guys, this was a great day, and a great LAB501 and Kingston all day fest!!! We were there from 9 am to 7 pm, we had the live demo, we had a live contest for our overclockers from the forums, a lucky draw, and of course a huuuuge beer untill 3 am in the night!. And might I add that breaking a WR live, with lots of people watching and two television crews filming is no easy peasy
Where are the babes?
Actually all our "babes" were there, who did you think took the pictures? (Assuming that you are reffering to our girls, and not some hostess-es, we don't need those to beat a WR)
==8-[ ]
Thanks guys! One week of pretesting and a very long day yesterday but in the end it was all worth it
CPU NB - 1.625v
VDDR - 1.95v
with CPU and RAM at full pot!
Sweet sweet work guys! Congrats!
Congrats guys! 3600MHz daaamn
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