Submission Details


- Extreme League

560.06 MHz with DFI LANParty UT nF4 Ultra-D at 560.1MHz

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LANParty UT nF4 Ultra-D rank:

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verfication image
LANParty UT nF4 Ultra-D
LANParty UT nF4 Ultra-D
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Hardware details

CPU details

Memory details

  • Manufacturer: OCZ Technology
  • Product: Gold VX
  • Cooling: Air (Custom)
  • Type: 512MB

VGA details

  • Speed: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Mainboard details

Disk details

Power details

Recent Comments

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed commented on his own score:

+62C on the cpu and -75C on the chipset, probably coldbug under that temperature, needs more investigation

Bulgariakeresteto says:

amazing job!!!

RomaniaMonstru says:

Sweet :)

Romaniamatose says:

Nice effort!

BelgiumMassman says:


AustriaTurrican says:

that's sick :D

Bulgarianoncho says:

Great score :)

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed says:

YEs, great - especially when you have just 30 minutes for assembly and testing. In fact - he already has better one, done 1 hour later :)


PS: XpuctoC. speaking :D

RomaniaMonstru says:

Now that we shared the tweak I expect more and more great HTT numbers to show up. Maybe others will have 300MHz capable memory in order to break 600MHz HTT :)

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed says:

Well, The Gold VX memory was maxed out for this one and there was no luck to boot with the Corsair memory. The board refused to work and it was too late for submission. I have 584 after the stage was closed and one unsaved 586


It seems you know the trick, great work everyone :)

RomaniaMonstru says:

Hehehe....told ya :)


Now, is that TCCD there? If so, what bios are you using? The hard-core BH5 bioses don't work great with TCCD and vice-versa, maybe you need to use a different bios. With a good TCCD bios 600 must be possible!

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed says:

Yes, I know, but there was no time and I used the same bios for both memory types.

It was literally in the last 10 minutes, no time for bios change :) It's the N4D623-2

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed says:

..and yes, the memory is Corsair PC4400 TCCD chips

RomaniaMonstru says:

Good memory...find the bios that works best, and push for the 600!

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed says:

Not today, but I have to try some other time :) Very interesting competition and tough challenges. Now it's time to sleep!

TaPaKaH says:

Monstru, what "tweak" are you talking about? The inverse HTT/temp scaling was known since the dawn of time, how did you expect the 3000+/3200+/3700+ etc records were broken? :D


Actually, a better idea would be to go with a Winchester chip rather than a Venice, back in 2005/2006 those CPUs were known to have less HTT/cold issues than Venice so higher HTT should be possible as well. (personally, I couldn't find one on time so had to use SanDiego for my submission)

RomaniaMonstru says:

Really Sam? Hmm, I wonder why nobody broke the Japanese WR settled back in 2005 then. We had average boards, nothing spectacular on air, and yet me managed to smash it with 2 boards. I can only imagine what guys that hit 540 on air can get this way :)

TaPaKaH says:

The reason why that record stood for so long is because noone cared about it as it requires a very specific benchrig (hot cpu and cold nb).


I actually tried my board with dryice on chipset, anything under 0c and it would not get further than POST with any HTT

RomaniaMonstru says:

Sure bro, like you say, you know we have a saying here, after the battle is over, many warriors make their entrance :)

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