Rauf (Sweden) Breaks Unigine Heaven Xtreme World Record with 2x 1080 Ti Cards at Dustin Expo 2017

Sweden’s number one Overclocker Rauf was in attendance at Dustin Expo 2017 where he managed to pull off a fantastic new World Record in the Unigine Heaven Xtreme benchmark. Using a Kaby Lake Intel Core i7 7700K and a pair of GTX 1080 Ti cards, Rauf managed to make a score of 11,380.58 marks. It's an even more impressive score when you consider that he managed to do it live on stage!

The new World Record score of 11,380.58 Marks was achieved with a Core i7 7700K pushed to 6,970MHz, a sweet +65.95% beyond stock settings. The CPU was joined by two of the latest Nvidia Pascal-based GeForce GTX 1080 Ti cards. Both cards had their GPU clocks pushed to 1,722MHz which is a tasty 8.84% beyond stock. Other notable hardware includes an ASUS ROG Maximus IX Apex motherboard and a GALAX Hall of Fame DDR4 kit clocked at 2,082MHz (12-11-11—28).

The Dustin Expo event is arguably the biggest IT and electronics trade show in Sweden. Attracting 10,000 or so visitors the show gathers together the country’s leading technology companies at the Globe Arena in Stockholm. Hats off to nordichardware, sponsors ASUS and to Rauf for making sure that Overclocking made its presence felt at this year’s event. You can find the World Record submission from Rauf here, as well as the global rankings for the Unigine Heaven Xtreme benchmark here.

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