HWBOT World Series 2016: Local Live Qualifiers and World Championship Final

At each World Tour stop, overclockers can enter the local live qualifier. The qualifier features three stages, each with hardware and benchmark limitations that reflect the overclocker’s skill. Typically we will restrict the processor frequency to 5 GHz in order to take binning out of the equation. The qualifier will take up 4 hours of the World Series competition day. At the end of the qualifier session, the four top ranked enter the Local Final.

The Final is structured as a 1-vs-1 elimination tournament. Each round features one benchmark and lasts for 30 minutes. The benchmark for each match depends on a random draw of a select set of benchmarks which we will announce before the finals kick off. Each participant has 30 minutes of preparation time before the start of the match. During the preparation time, you are allowed to set up your system but not allowed to cool down or overclock.

The main prize at each World Series event is a flight and accommodation to the World Championship Finals at the end of the year in Berlin, Germany.

To find out how to qualify for the World Championship Finals in Berlin, read our World Series general information article.

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