I.nfraR.ed from Bulgaria Hits 3.7GHz on Athlon XP During March TC Warm-Up! (+ First Ever Sub-30s 1M)

For two months now we have been warming up for the next HWBOT Team Cup with monthly team-based overclocking competitions. Mostly, the Team Cup's focus on older hardware such as Pentium II and Athlon XP. This gives a lot of overclockers the chance to revisit the old technology and see if they can push the boundaries even further.

One of my personal favorite platforms is Athlon XP. The Athlon XP 2600+ formed the heart of my very first system build and of course featured in my very first overclocking sessions. Back in the day, many years ago, I recall seeing 33 seconds SuperPI 1M as the magical barrier for this platform and over the years many have tried to break 30sec. Yesterday, eleven (11!) years after the release of the platform it finally happened!

I.nfraR.ed from Bulgaria, known for his excellend AMD overclocking ability, found a more-than-golden Athlon XP-M 2500+ capable of CPU-Z validating at 3713 MHz. That same CPU is SuperPI 1M stable to 3581 MHz - 100 MHz more than #2 - and broke set a new 1M record for Athlon XP: 29.703sec. Yes, yes, yes! Below 30! For those who are curious, the CPU is fully stable at 3.5GHz and completes SuperPI 32M in 26 minutes 34.773 sec.

I am truly excited about this and I actually hope to see even more in the future. But for now, I will just enjoy staring at that 29 second SuperPI 1M. Congratulations!

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