Submission Details
34961 hardware
1941 physics
2850 fur
2573 fluid
1392 raymarch
10407 loading time
Great score mate
Great bro~~
Thanks!!!! OC_WINDFORCE!
Well done Nacho !
Gracias Chispy, a ver cuando nos vemos!!!!!!
nice score. congratulations!
A ver si se nos da algo en America Latina , alguna competencia o algo.
Very nice!
Mr. Ignacio, Like i write in your FB before, Wooowww
@Angelo - Chispy, I challenge you to compete against my x800 Gto2 super sport
Buena Idea Angelo una competición en Latam :celebration:
Massman !!! read this :banana:
very good score!!
Very good Nacho... Keep pushing
Thanks guys!
Nachito tienes que usar LN2 en el procesador y en la tarjeta grafica para volver a retomar el lugar numero uno , go nacho go go go ... Sweet I like your idea .........
Well done mate!!
Thanks !
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