MSI MOA 2012 EMEA Qualifier

05.18.2012 00:00 +0000
06.14.2012 22:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • MSI MOA 2012 EMEA Qualifier is closed since 14 June 2012
  • This competition is between members



Rank Participant 3DMark11 Performance 3DMark03 SuperPi 32m
1 43 pts 25 pts 0 pts 68 pts
2 38 pts 18 pts 10 pts 66 pts
3 36 pts 16 pts 9 pts 61 pts
4 60 pts 60 pts
5 28 pts 13 pts 9 pts 50 pts
6 33 pts 15 pts 0 pts 48 pts
7 31 pts 14 pts 0 pts 45 pts
8 24 pts 11 pts 8 pts 43 pts
9 26 pts 12 pts 0 pts 38 pts
10 19 pts 9 pts 7 pts 35 pts
11 21 pts 10 pts 0 pts 31 pts
12 14 pts 7 pts 6 pts 27 pts
13 12 pts 6 pts 6 pts 24 pts
14 16 pts 7 pts 23 pts
15 15 pts 15 pts
16 7 pts 4 pts 4 pts 15 pts
17 9 pts 5 pts 0 pts 14 pts
18 8 pts 0 pts 8 pts
19 4 pts 3 pts 1 pts 8 pts
20 5 pts 5 pts
21 4 pts 4 pts
22 2 pts 2 pts 4 pts
23 3 pts 3 pts
24 3 pts 3 pts
25 2 pts 2 pts
26 0 pts 1 pts 1 pts
27 0 pts 0 pts 1 pts 1 pts
28 0 pts 0 pts
29 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
30 0 pts 0 pts
31 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
32 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
33 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts 0 pts
34 0 pts 0 pts

First Position

68 pts Ryba


May 14, 2012 at 12:29:47 PM UTC

Let's get this one going! Two notes:


First of all, there's an important addition to the rules compared to the Americas qualifier: "The following system components may not be shared between individual MOA participants: CPU, memory or graphics card.". This means a much tighter hw sharing regulation than normal at hwbot.


Secondly, a point I already made in the other MOA thread.


By the way, just a point I want to bring up.


I know the competition is pretty 'high-end', so not everyone has the financial capabilities to compete for the tickets. I see some of you are also writing ~ "we'll compete if it's more fair". But keep in mind that this kind of large OC competitions will only continue if MSI sees that there's interest from the community and one of the parameters is number of people that join the event.


Just saying that it might be more interesting from a community-point of view to join the event to support it (and write a small message "hey - please make it more fair") rather than posting a forum message saying you won't submit because of the rules. There's a difference between 15 people competing with 0 complaints (in the scores) and 30 people competing with 15 complaints (in the scores).


I'm all in for complaining how the limitations are too high-end for qualification stages and that we would prefer to see everything happen live. But, we have to make sure that MSI also knows that we love the MOA competitions and want them to continue this for at least another decade! Therefore, I would strongly recommend anyone who wants to support the MOA competition series to at least make one submission. You can use the description box to make a complaint or a suggestion. At least then I'll be able to show hard figures to MSI and tell them there is a lot of interest and enthusiasm for MOA, but even more would be happy if there's some change to the qualification stage :).


Just make sure that MSI knows you love MOA (if you do, of course) ... pretty important ;)

May 15, 2012 at 12:30:34 AM UTC

rediculous, changing the rules mid comp

May 15, 2012 at 12:33:51 AM UTC



The EMEA qualifiers starts in 3 days ...

May 15, 2012 at 12:41:03 AM UTC

good luck to all

May 15, 2012 at 12:43:08 AM UTC

1 for euro/asia, 1 for everyone else,


i dont want to go and buy a MSI board when I can use Festers and it has no impact on my score other than the fact I dont have to spend extra money on it



May 15, 2012 at 12:55:23 AM UTC

Only MSI graphics card, can I use HD4000 in the Intel chip? And nah, I am not joking... I wont buy a MSI graphics card, but would like to enter in order to pad MSI's back and give my support to them hosting MOA, will just be a watercooled or single stage entry anyway :-)


EDIT; Pro not trying to bust your balls here, but this one is EMEA, not Asia


Another question though

How u possible?


Final y u last month?

May 15, 2012 at 1:14:20 AM UTC

It IS a mid comp rule change massman! why is one region getting one rule while others are getting something else? We've all made plans here, ordered LN2, booked flights and if the rule says we cant share parts like MSI board that james mentioned(as one example), it's going to be a bit of a miss from our end.... :(


You are deviating from normal HWBOT rules!!!

May 15, 2012 at 2:00:05 AM UTC

I'd love to see the mighty Aussies qualify :D


no cheering emoticons lol

May 15, 2012 at 5:06:45 AM UTC

Hehehehehe, just for supporting the contest, can someone from APAC region submit score, :P. Also we all know how hard it is to apply hardware sharing rule, how are we going to do it with Mobo, Ram and HDD????

May 15, 2012 at 5:15:08 AM UTC

we only suspect "some teams" not all.

May 15, 2012 at 6:45:07 AM UTC

We've all made plans here, ordered LN2, booked flights .......


Haha, It always hurts a bit when buying CPUs and stuff and see the bills on my virtual doormat. But booking flights for a bench session!? .... You just took the pain away for a little moment, thanks for that! :D

May 15, 2012 at 6:49:21 AM UTC

Hahaha damn it, not funny :D

May 15, 2012 at 10:03:06 AM UTC

Is Switzerland in EMEA ?




It starts on 18 May 2012.

Opens in: 23 Days, 9H, 55Mins, 9s



Time travel :eek:

May 15, 2012 at 10:26:53 AM UTC

Switzerland is in EMEA.


The timer will be fixed shortly :)

May 15, 2012 at 10:31:26 AM UTC

I'd love to see the mighty Aussies qualify :D


no cheering emoticons lol


Dont worry atleast 1 of them will, dont ask how I know this ;)

May 15, 2012 at 10:59:18 AM UTC

imo i think sharing rule was good for this one.. It says that u cant share parts with other competitors so why dont u teamup with someone who got msi mb or somthing you dont? :)


I have prepared and bought one part at time for this qualifier and i think buying msi motherboard wont be problem after buying 600euros GPU and 320euros cpu? :)


Everyone will not agree maybe, but still its more fair for those ones who actually spend they moneys alone for all the parts wich is needet in this kind competition. Now if u can only add one rule, that competitors have to buy their own hardwares, wich will not happen i bet :D hehe..

May 16, 2012 at 12:50:04 AM UTC

i agree with sember if you share components it will be with the person you want with you anyway right? So you can submit as 1 person


if i had a golden GPU and share it with 2 other dudes, that would mean 3 good scores, and possibly 6 of us going because of 1 golden item.


But i agree with james on the Mobo part, mobo is a mobo o_o.


Is south africa part of EMEA? probly? Cause we straight down the line also on GMT+2. But for GOOC we are APAC :P

May 16, 2012 at 2:04:41 AM UTC

Just great, thanks for the rule change :rolleyes:


No one here is looking at using the same GPU for 3D or CPU for SPI.

I've starting testing retail 3770K's, which is now a total waste of my money.

Ordered a 7970 Lightning, was holding off getting another card till after seeing what non ref 680's are like. But I ordered it as I was going to need the 7970 for this comp.

Booked flights to Sydney to use Carls Mobo, as there are Zero MSI Socket 2011 boards for sale here, on top of that (not that it matters as there is no stock) flights are $200 cheaper than the board lol, as well as the ln2 is much, much cheaper there.


In the first post there is a quote, kind of asking for more members to take part, as total numbers help to get more/on going events.

Yet in the same post, the rules are changed which makes it even harder to take part...well done, and thanks for wasting my money.

May 16, 2012 at 2:19:49 AM UTC

You can borrow my gd65 if you pay shipping :)

May 16, 2012 at 2:36:02 AM UTC

Thanks for the offer my friend,


But two issues.


It will be $65US each way, and they may hit me up for a %15 import tax (doesn't matter if it's on loan etc here)


And the rules (at this time) say "No system components (CPU, mainboard, memory or graphics card) may be shared between individual MOA participants


Doesn't say heats or anything of the like, so I still couldn't do that, even if I was happy sinking yet more money into this.


But again, thanks for the offer.

May 16, 2012 at 3:17:15 AM UTC

Australia is a bloody big country , we have booked flights and spent around 2000 in flights, for us to meet and bench together, we all have our own ivy and gpu.s


changing rules mid comp is unfair for those who plan early to be prepared.


is there any way to reverse this rule ?

May 16, 2012 at 3:26:39 AM UTC

Lots of great overclockers at EMEA.

Best wishes and looking forward for monster scores

May 16, 2012 at 6:40:08 AM UTC

Alright mates, your complaints have been heard. Mainboards can be shared, passed on. All performance altering components (CPU, VGA, memory) can not be shared. With these benchmarks, the mainboard serves more as a competition compliance requirement than anything else.


Or as Vivi said it:


But i agree with james on the Mobo part, mobo is a mobo o_o.


So, now get benching already!


Is south africa part of EMEA? probly? Cause we straight down the line also on GMT+2. But for GOOC we are APAC :P


EMEA, yes.

May 16, 2012 at 6:52:30 AM UTC

okay thats great,


just to verify, do we need to make multiple OS, or if i make the OS can we all use the same image?

May 16, 2012 at 8:37:27 AM UTC

You are not allowed to make OS !!


May 16, 2012 at 11:31:17 AM UTC

You are not allowed to make OS !!





we are all gonna be using james' made up OS :D

May 16, 2012 at 11:34:20 AM UTC

Only windows NT allowed ;)


Im curious about you guys sharing all the same 2 boards. What are the logistics? is there a coin flip to see who gets to use it first? what if it dies? :x Would be sad if some people didnt not even get a score because of hardware failure early on.

May 16, 2012 at 11:40:01 AM UTC

As long as they give it to Uncle Fester last, I don't think there will be an issue.

May 16, 2012 at 11:43:05 AM UTC

hahaha i think everyone will wait till Uncle fester tries (to kill) his CPU first :D

May 16, 2012 at 3:00:40 PM UTC

At least the owner can be the first to try and try the best...if MB still alive...share the MB is a good idea.

Please MSI...turn easy to find these

May 16, 2012 at 6:57:24 PM UTC

How about spi 32M rules, do u have to use msi GPU on that too? I dont find any good reason why thats necessary since it doenst affect score anyway.

May 16, 2012 at 6:58:22 PM UTC

How about spi 32M rules, do u have to use msi GPU on that too? I dont find any good reason why thats necessary since it doenst affect score anyway.


No :D

May 16, 2012 at 7:14:51 PM UTC

The last time I really competed in this, I made extremely last minute plans to bench with Mike...bought tickets something like 2-3 days before the contest end to fly over to his place the next morning. It's not such a joke when you live in a country that's roughly the size as the continent of Europe itself :P and isn't that uncommon for ocers in the states and the Aussies as well I think.


He had the cards, I had the chips (probably about 4 or 5 that were good enough to qualify) and we both had boards. We almost toying around with the idea then of either setting up a pair of systems or swapping cards out to make two qualifying submissions instead of one, but we both felt that it seemed a little dishonest and just made a single submission as a team. We could've taken it to a further extreme and had another rig for Fugger who was playing battlefield 3 in the same room while we were benching, and theoretically monopolized the whole NA qualifier with one bench session, which honestly sounds quite a bit like what you guys are aiming to do. It doesn't break any explicit rules, but it's something that doesn't sit well with me. Everyone at least not reusing the same board might not effect scores, but it'd force you each to obtain your own as anyone else wanting to compete. You guys are already going to have enough an advantage just from having so many people around versus someone trying to tackle it solo. My two cents...

May 17, 2012 at 12:13:47 AM UTC

Hear what you are saying Gatman,


Though in this case, I don't feel dishonest at all.

I'm spending a boat load of time and money testing hardware and settings here on my own. And I'd point out we are using our own CPU and our own GPU, which is not the same as what you were thinking about doing.

This comp (for the most part) is about getting the video card clocks as high as you can, with the right setting for 3D (2D counts for alot less)

And I know the others are doing the same.

For me, I cant even buy a board, there are none for sale. So god knows what MSI/HWbot thinks I can do about that

So poping over to Syndey where the ln2 costs alot less and I can use all my per tested hardware (really only the video card that matters for 3D 11) in a Motherboard I cant even buy here, makes a lot of sense, well to me anyhow.

I have taken part in every MOA/GOOC that they have let Kiwi's enter, and would have liked to have done the same again under my own name.


For everyone


As I understand it (but could be a little off) only James and I are short on Socket 2011 Mobo's. So he is/was going to use Jono's in Perth, where I was going to use Carls in Sydney. **Note that Jono wont be in Sydney and I wont be in Perth, and if you don't know Oz, look on a map, they are a long, long way apart.


Even though we are not all on the same hwbot team, we like to meet up at events down here, have some beers, bench and help each other out where we can. And at all of those meet up's over the past few years, We have always been up front about it (hard not to be when we talk about it as much as we do) and never have scores been posted that even looked like they came from the same rig.


I can see from the last heats, this whole on line thing here is going to be one big drama, no matter if I do everything right and up front.

Time to move on with my day, and just help out the guys that were able to buy a motherboard.

May 17, 2012 at 12:19:36 AM UTC

Hey gatman, we are benching in different parts of the country actually!

May 17, 2012 at 12:32:32 AM UTC

Like what Splave has done just to get a lightning 7970. He had to purchase one from outside the country. Was it Germany?


Like rbuass "claims" he had to go to miami. lol



I suggest you guys looking into the american market for socket 2011 motherboards. there are some msi 2011 boards on newegg.



Fedex shipping is only 400$. im sure you'll get it before next weekend.


USPS express mail(3-5days) with motherboard only is 75$ only.

May 17, 2012 at 12:50:36 AM UTC

Ok, my mistake, it was sounding at first like all of you were planning to bench under one roof and effectively have a score factory churning out results for this contest.


Of course I'm all for group bench sessions (as long as they lack any nekkid photoshoots...), hell...personally I barely give a rat's ass about hardware sharing. Passing good cpu's and gpu's around wasn't at all unheard of in the pre-hwbot days. It's just that one has to be on their toes when it comes to a contest where the grand prize is worth upwards of a couple grand, and every iteration of it has had plenty of drama.


But looks like I got your plans wrong anyways...and yes I did just open up Australia on google maps horrormovie.gif


You guys know I <3 you all

May 17, 2012 at 12:50:39 AM UTC

my offer still stand to anyone who needs a board ;) pay shipping and you can rent it, im sure that massman would not mind :)


If I were you guys I would just plug a camera in and record it all, saves alot of accusations in the end.

May 17, 2012 at 1:05:51 AM UTC

Like what Splave has done just to get a lightning 7970. He had to purchase one from outside the country. Was it Germany?


Like rbuass "claims" he had to go to miami. lol



I suggest you guys looking into the american market for socket 2011 motherboards. there are some msi 2011 boards on newegg.



Fedex shipping is only 400$. im sure you'll get it before next weekend.


USPS express mail(3-5days) with motherboard only is 75$ only.


Somewhat pointless to even try and reply to that, as some will only see what they want.

But I'll try...


As I have already said.


Using the same motherboard was well with in the rules (till it was changed the other day) as it is for all benching here at the bot.

So I have booked flights already, that money is spent, I can't get it back. So I was somewhat upset I had wasted my money on a rule change.

And think it's somewhat unfair I'd have to spend even more money when everything I had set up was well with in the rules, untill they were changed.

Not sure what part of that you can't understand.


Newegg, Frys etc etc

Do not ship overseas, so no I can't order from them.

I could have a friend order it for me, then on ship.

Price of the board $$$

Wire him the money add $25 for that.

Shipping $65 or soo

GST (import tax) 15% of the price of the board + shipping

Customs fee $25

No, I don't think thats ok after I have already paid for flights, doing something that is well with in the rules, again untill they were changed. And these rules have been in place for a long time at the bot. So it is fair that I didn't think anything was going to change after the heats were started.


As I said at the bottom of my last post, even though massman has now said I can use Carls mobo, some here will still look for drama and get all worked up about it.

To me, your post makes this point.

May 17, 2012 at 1:12:39 AM UTC

I think anything is just about the onesty of any single guy ......

anybody here discussing about motherboard ??


Who can say in this online comeptition if I share cpu or VGA wiht same ther guy ?


What about if anybody of us (me and my firends) have his own mobos, cpu and vga ?

Than we meet for a week end, we bin the golden cpu, golden vga and then, we use same cpu and vga to produce the score ? Just banching with 5...10 Mhz difference ? and than, we post pictures with 3 mobos, 3 vga (or maybe 5) 3 cpu (or maybe 5).

Who can say we used the same CPU ??


Came one guys, again, this is just about the honesty of any single guy ...nobody can demonstrate hardware sharing in the online competition.....

May 17, 2012 at 1:59:55 AM UTC

Somewhat pointless to even try and reply to that, as some will only see what they want.

But I'll try...


As I have already said.


Using the same motherboard was well with in the rules (till it was changed the other day) as it is for all benching here at the bot.

So I have booked flights already, that money is spent, I can't get it back. So I was somewhat upset I had wasted my money on a rule change.

And think it's somewhat unfair I'd have to spend even more money when everything I had set up was well with in the rules, untill they were changed.

Not sure what part of that you can't understand.


Newegg, Frys etc etc

Do not ship overseas, so no I can't order from them.

I could have a friend order it for me, then on ship.

Price of the board $$$

Wire him the money add $25 for that.

Shipping $65 or soo

GST (import tax) 15% of the price of the board + shipping

Customs fee $25

No, I don't think thats ok after I have already paid for flights, doing something that is well with in the rules, again untill they were changed. And these rules have been in place for a long time at the bot. So it is fair that I didn't think anything was going to change after the heats were started.


As I said at the bottom of my last post, even though massman has now said I can use Carls mobo, some here will still look for drama and get all worked up about it.

To me, your post makes this point.


I thought that I read massman telling that MOBO sharing was allowed back again a few pages ago... So you can go and have fun!! =) (I guess)


My first lightning was bought at ebay from a store in US as well. Paid $620 on the VGA plus $90 on FEDEX shipping and more $500 to the store to pay import duties so I could receive it in three days without any risk of customs keeping it. So $1210 as it would cost in retail here.


Just to compare, I needed to get two x79 during competition, I could get here in Brazilian stores, (I made it get sold out here, since just these two stores held one each), I paid about $900 at the first one and $850 on the second that was on sale. (I tried to find links to show you but it is still sold out). I needed to get a loan at the bank to buy the hardware... =(


MOA was not cheap this year, so as your rule allow to do it that way you should participate and complain! maybe two online contests instead of just one, with they providing the hardware for the second round where the finalists would be the winners could easy things. A regional qualifier split into some different hardware requirements like in the past. I don't know, just suggesting...

All qualifiers at the same time could be nice as well...

May 17, 2012 at 3:15:19 AM UTC

Last year...for the qualification MOA Vegas...I though as good way...

5 stages x 2 people



Nvidia Videocard


more chance and more participation...since there was a plenty of diferent hardware to compete.

May 17, 2012 at 3:21:52 AM UTC

No drama, I was just suggesting board availability.

May 17, 2012 at 6:37:42 AM UTC

Only MSI graphics card, can I use HD4000 in the Intel chip?


This wasnt answered.... It does matter for lucky draw now doesnt it???

May 17, 2012 at 6:40:44 AM UTC

Yes, HD4000 is allowed IF on an MSI mainboard.

May 17, 2012 at 11:35:00 AM UTC

back on track, you can share boards now...back to more postive talk! Looking forward to some crazy scores. ALOT of talent in EMEA bracket thats why they take top 5!

May 17, 2012 at 12:44:10 PM UTC

back on track, you can share boards now...back to more postive talk! Looking forward to some crazy scores. ALOT of talent in EMEA bracket thats why they take top 5!

We haz si ELMOR, but he isnt competing, MSI staff.

Good luck with the binning everyone.


If anyone that has binned less than 30 CPU's make it to top5, I'll be impressed.

May 17, 2012 at 2:37:43 PM UTC

Though ofcourse since you guys are being honest we/I should not be asking any noobish questions but benching together for a competition where is the test of skills in there???? Only 1 guy needs to figure out the settings, tweaks, mobo behavior (these can be shared online as well, but not everything can be passed on online) and everyone else will have to figure out just their individual CPU and GPU quirks (but then thats not a biggie I guess)


Ah well, Not that I can blame you guys, you have the option, sadly in India no1 else is playing LN2, :(

May 17, 2012 at 5:44:32 PM UTC

Good people!


I see so much confusion because of shared hardware ... I do not have these problems, I am here alone in Portugal, I had to buy two msi board and one 7970 (for that i need to sale some stuf´s) for this and so if I can get the first 5, which I think impossible, I don´t have teammate to take, not to mention that as usual I will bench alone in a room...


So do not be always complaining, benching with a quiet conscience....


Good luck to all!! :)

May 17, 2012 at 6:50:59 PM UTC

We haz si ELMOR, but he isnt competing, MSI staff.


More importantly, you have Europe's golden boy himself. Surely he will effortlessly waltz to the top as he trumpets his message of European supremacy.

May 18, 2012 at 1:01:38 AM UTC

i am imagining elmor failing at 1800 1.8v and saying "ok higher clock, more vgpu"

"but elmor we just failed at 1800"

"just do it, higher clock"

May 18, 2012 at 5:11:08 AM UTC

When there are massive artifacts and screen issues, he'll say "the frames are ok, continue"

May 18, 2012 at 7:15:55 AM UTC

When we can start to post scores?

May 18, 2012 at 10:43:17 AM UTC

is lucky draw for top15 after elemination only or for everyone who submit ?

May 18, 2012 at 10:48:22 AM UTC

perica you can start! it started!


Dejan im pretty sure its for anyone who enters :D

May 18, 2012 at 3:04:53 PM UTC

I tried to post a score before coming here and start complaining on how much this competition sucks but I failed even in this...

my country is Italy, so I guess I'm in the EMEA, isn't it? too bad the system refuse my score saying I'm not.




anyway, even without being able to join I would like to write my opinion on this MOA, the most RIDICULOUS competition ever made.

I'm just wondering who the hell is the fucktard (yes, because he/she could be only that) which decided the rules of the competition.

the ONLY benchmark where you really need to know how to overclock and tweak is the 32M, 03 and 3dmark 11 are pretty plug and play and the one which had binned more GPU and CPU will win even with a daily use OS.

clearly 32M earns way less points than what 3dmark 03 and 11 do.

like if that alone isn't enough they also decided to make people buy not one, but two platforms:

1- Ivy + Z77 for 32M and 03;

2- SB-E + X79 for 3dmark 11.


to sum it up, in order to being able to reach the top 5 a guy needs to have:

1- 3770K (320+ €)

2- MSI Z77 crapboard...errrrrr, motherboard (150+ €)

3- 3930K (550 €)

4- MSI X79 (200+ €)

5- highly binned HD7970 (or GTX680, are these really available?) (400+ €)


so, without even thinking about binning we need to spend 1600+ €.

MSI this time did everything to make the competition completely inaccessible for everyone without unlimited resources or connections with brands.

I really hope none will join this crap and hwbot will finally realize how this kind of money/marketing-BS driven competitions add nothing to the community.

May 18, 2012 at 3:12:19 PM UTC

^ anyone that benches for hwbot points probably already planned on getting or has a 3770k and 3930/3960.....


Marketing BS driven competitions? What are they getting out of it besides maybe 40 people buying 2 motherboards and a pay for 30+ people to be flown to Taiwan and payed accommodations will be much more expensive not to mention they send 1 set of gear to each team... So if you place, deduct $400 motherboard and $600 GPU from your total ;)


If you are smart, you sell the stuff after the competition is over and you are only down a couple 100.....Dont compete if you dont want to but to say this adds nothing to the community couldnt be more wrong.

May 18, 2012 at 3:12:26 PM UTC

@mafio: you got it man...'nuff said





May 18, 2012 at 3:22:14 PM UTC

My only complain is that whenever a competition comes to hwbot, the prize pool become negligent.....I wonder why???? MOA has been known to compensate well winners of specific country/continent but do not know whether its the recession or something else which is the cause of the drop in prizes.....


PS. Please feel free to move the thread if this is not the right thread to discuss it.

May 18, 2012 at 3:33:57 PM UTC

^ anyone that benches for hwbot points probably already planned on getting or has a 3770k and 3930/3960.....


Marketing BS driven competitions? What are they getting out of it besides maybe 40 people buying 2 motherboards and a pay for 30+ people to be flown to Taiwan and payed accommodations will be much more expensive not to mention they send 1 set of gear to each team... So if you place, deduct $400 motherboard and $600 GPU from your total ;)


If you are smart, you sell the stuff after the competition is over and you are only down a couple 100.....Dont compete if you dont want to but to say this adds nothing to the community couldnt be more wrong.


forcing everyone to buy super high end stuff isn't the best way to incentive people to join, don't you think?

if they really want make people join the competition they should make online qualifications with low/mid-end graphic cards, then, if the want, for the live stages they can give contestants 7970 or whatever they want.

if using a low end graphic card you will also not need a super duper binned CPU but you still need to freeze/mod the graphic card and show the same kind of skills you need to bench an high end card.

and don't tell me that using a lightning or an high end card is more difficult than using for instance a modded HD7750 (that is worth around 100 €).

so, yes, I'm still of the idea that a competition with this kind of rules sucks so badly that it's better to not have it.

May 18, 2012 at 5:14:07 PM UTC

3dmark11 can be won at 5-5.2ghz cpu for x79 so dont need to bin that, gd65 will work fine dont need big bang II.......3dmark03 is a very tweakable bench so it does not mean highest speed will win same as 32m......You want them to give more and pay less to compete I understand but they want even the qualifier to be a showcase of their high end product! ;)

May 18, 2012 at 6:25:50 PM UTC

i like the competition.

May 18, 2012 at 7:43:23 PM UTC

I also like it even with the new rules.We should be thankful to MSI for continuing this competition although the global crisis.I will participate and do my best(although I only have a decent 3930K and still trying to get all the rest hardware).

Good luck to all participants and have fun.

May 18, 2012 at 9:13:31 PM UTC

I find quite funny how you guys put the statement "global crisis" in the same phrase where you also say that you are more than willing to spend 1600+ €. :P

May 18, 2012 at 10:07:00 PM UTC





I have the same problem !

May 18, 2012 at 10:13:14 PM UTC

I have the same problem !



it's the destiny, it's telling us than we should not join the competition.

May 18, 2012 at 10:17:27 PM UTC

Blah, i bet everyone who actually is interested can take part this comp. There have been enough time to get parts ready like i have been doing almost 2 months now :D

Sure it takes lot of money but if u wanna try then u just have to try. Itse more that do u wanna take part or not, thats my opinion :)

Atleast they are willing to do this kind of events. In the past there were much more these but now msi is almost only manufacturer who does this..

May 18, 2012 at 10:42:36 PM UTC

I find quite funny how you guys put the statement "global crisis" in the same phrase where you also say that you are more than willing to spend 1600+ €. :P


None will spend 1600+€.I sold my RIVE, a 3960X and a reference 7970 that I won't use any more and I just need a few more money for getting the rest of the gear(maybe some of them used)witch I can also sell after competition;)

May 18, 2012 at 11:17:31 PM UTC

To me...

Is the biggest Worldwide Overclocking Competition actually.

Sure is not easy to keep this kind of competition...and they just cut regional events (now, is online and final).

I think people complaining about rules can not help MOA to keep alive...I can understand the dificulties to compete in lots of countries (Brazil is one)...but...better to have MOA that do not have.

For example... GOOC that we just lose.


Keep MOA alive 4 ever ;)

May 18, 2012 at 11:18:38 PM UTC

Who says u lost gooc

May 18, 2012 at 11:31:16 PM UTC

Just waiting.... dinos22

I really hope we can have GOOC again...but we have no 2011 and still not 2012.


May 19, 2012 at 12:36:14 AM UTC

Cannot post score ?!?!?!

not member of EMEA and several other thing :(

May 19, 2012 at 12:57:19 AM UTC

perica was same issue with America stage, results only started popping up a little later.


im sure massman is on it!

May 19, 2012 at 1:57:06 AM UTC

Almost sure Perica will be in the finals top 5


Great job and sicky card

May 19, 2012 at 2:23:54 AM UTC

Who says u lost gooc


Nobody, but it was skipped in 2011, and looks to be skipped in 2012, but last time I checked, GOOC isnt an annual event, rather a matter of proving worthy platforms, and Gigabyte marketing, HQ, has not considered any platform since LGA1366 worthy...

So, with no plans for Ivy, seems like first realistic chance is Ivy-E, which is 2013, while MSI does it every year...


Dont put words in my mouth, I am a huge fan of both MOA and GOOC - MOA has just proven more reliable as for consistancy.




And to the other discussion, I know Massman aka. Diablo has forbidden me commenting, but I am going to do it anyway, guys, sure it is expensive, it is a freaking expensive HOBBY... If you are into OC from desire to profit from it -you've made a wrong turn.


This is F1 of computers, the most badass, not the cheapest/sanest/wisest.



Oh splave, I wish that would be possible around here... You are more likely to be set back close to one grand from buying/using/selling those 2 platforms here..

May 19, 2012 at 6:36:51 AM UTC

i think for once Marc might be on the right track,


im guessing Giga might have skipped GOOC last year because SB doesnt lend itself to competition overclocking and they didnt want for another year in a row, that being said i might be totally wrong,


kudos to MSI for keeping MOA going, it really is a great event for the best of the best to showcase their skills, hopefully giga come to the party this year aswell!

May 19, 2012 at 8:59:43 AM UTC

Wow top 5 get to go to Taiwan in this comp? Thats nice.

May 20, 2012 at 5:13:07 PM UTC

Hi everyone, I have two questions:

1. Is teamwork allowed(I had great cpu, can I bench it with my teammate and submit some results at his account)?

2. Two people from different countries can form one team?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I know answer for first question - Massman will say - No! (((

May 20, 2012 at 5:17:26 PM UTC

1. Yes if sharing cpu is for 3d benchmarks not 32m

2. Im not sure

May 20, 2012 at 5:17:50 PM UTC

As long as only one of the two teammates submits the scores,I can't see something wrong with it.

May 20, 2012 at 5:27:13 PM UTC

As long as only one of the two teammates submits the scores,I can't see something wrong with it.


yes i tought too

May 21, 2012 at 5:12:25 AM UTC

Hi everyone, I have two questions:

1. Is teamwork allowed(I had great cpu, can I bench it with my teammate and submit some results at his account)?

2. Two people from different countries can form one team?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I know answer for first question - Massman will say - No! (((


1 - Yes, one person submits the scores*

2 - Yes.


* if the user submits a score with hardware that isn't his, just use the 'disable points'-option. It solves all issues :).

May 21, 2012 at 5:13:48 AM UTC

also indicate who your teammate will be, and who owns that particular hardware.

May 21, 2012 at 5:41:46 AM UTC

I think sometimes rules can be adjusted,

Not about MOA...but for be allowed share CPU to 3Dmark05 and 3Dmark06 can be not a good idea


May 21, 2012 at 7:43:24 AM UTC

Seems like submission is working now. Sorry for the issues all!

May 21, 2012 at 3:33:56 PM UTC

I think sometimes rules can be adjusted,

Not about MOA...but for be allowed share CPU to 3Dmark05 and 3Dmark06 can be not a good idea




Sharing cpu in any 3d bench really gives potential for unfair advantage. Cant really think of one where it wont.

May 21, 2012 at 4:49:20 PM UTC

Btw, who will be the partners for MOA America winners?

May 21, 2012 at 5:13:02 PM UTC

Btw, who will be the partners for MOA America winners?


We'll pick the teammates after APAC qualifier... I need to check which of my friends will be fully available to travel by that time.


I can't wait to meet everybody in Taipei again =) It will be awesome! =)



Good luck to you all! I hope everybody have lots of fun benching for MOA =)

May 21, 2012 at 5:30:19 PM UTC

Btw, who will be the partners for MOA America winners?



Im taking romdominance, he is my pour biotch

May 21, 2012 at 5:31:35 PM UTC

Party-time, I see.

May 21, 2012 at 5:34:41 PM UTC

lool splave. Poor rommie


I have a feeling this EMEA is gonna be a lot like last time, super insano sick scores all over the place.


Im buying my 1st 3770k next week, and with my luck it will probly be in the 7.1 - 7.3ghz range















3d stable.

May 21, 2012 at 8:48:49 PM UTC

MSI Z77A-GD80 was available in retail before start of MOA EMEA and allowed to use?

Thanks )

May 21, 2012 at 8:58:09 PM UTC


Crossing my fingers to you, find a 7100 Mhz chip... (I think 7 Ghz is just fine)... ;)

May 22, 2012 at 12:45:23 AM UTC

anyone know where the last 3 seats are coming from? I know that 4th and 5th got an email


"We will do our best for the nice overclocking product and event. Please pay attention for the schedule of the WW selection for the last fighting! Maybe see you in Grand Final. Here come the DHL tracking number for you"


I tried running it through engrish defragger but got nothing back...

May 22, 2012 at 5:52:03 AM UTC

I don't understand your question either, Splave. What seats and what 4/5th?


MSI Z77A-GD80 was available in retail before start of MOA EMEA and allowed to use?

Thanks )


Z77A-GD80 was released May 21 and the competition started May 18. Therefore, the GD80 was not available before the competition and cannot be used.

May 22, 2012 at 7:25:48 AM UTC

Interesting.. Maybe a 'best of the rest'?


Can't conclude anything much from that statement though.

May 22, 2012 at 8:46:49 AM UTC

anyone know where the last 3 seats are coming from? I know that 4th and 5th got an email


"We will do our best for the nice overclocking product and event. Please pay attention for the schedule of the WW selection for the last fighting! Maybe see you in Grand Final. Here come the DHL tracking number for you"


I tried running it through engrish defragger but got nothing back...


AFAIR for the last 2 years, MSI has tied up with Futuremark as well for a Global Competition with 2 or so seats to MOA(Maybe its 3 this time)

May 22, 2012 at 9:39:05 AM UTC

I won the 5th place and i got that e-mail from Leonali too.


"Please pay attention for the schedule of the WW selection for the last fighting! Maybe see you in Grand Final."


Is it a typo?

May 22, 2012 at 11:32:21 AM UTC

They still have Lords of Overclocking with Futuremark, seems there was 3 regions for that contest last year. The winner of each regional comp got a seat at the MOA finals.

May 22, 2012 at 11:49:22 AM UTC

There's indeed another contest coming for 3 additional tickets to the MOA final. Gunslinger is onto something ;).

May 22, 2012 at 1:06:24 PM UTC

So will be:

3 Americas



3 Lords

16 x 2 = 32 competitors at finals, Taiwan.

I think will be this way.

May 22, 2012 at 1:35:06 PM UTC

Can a winner compete in LOOC just for fun?

May 22, 2012 at 6:35:20 PM UTC

I want a lightning :/

May 22, 2012 at 9:07:53 PM UTC

So will be:

3 Americas



3 Lords

16 x 2 = 32 competitors at finals, Taiwan.

I think will be this way.


Those 3 tickets will be the most complicated to win: Ivy bridge (already available), GTX 680 and GTX 670 non reference models, would be available at that time.

May 22, 2012 at 9:23:21 PM UTC

would be released at that time.


fixed that for ya :)

May 22, 2012 at 9:36:28 PM UTC

Bring it on.

May 23, 2012 at 2:51:54 AM UTC

Those 3 tickets will be the most complicated to win: Ivy bridge (already available), GTX 680 and GTX 670 non reference models, would be available at that time.


true, but still doesn't stand a chance logically vs a 7970 Because of it's tessellation tweak,


you would literally need 1850+ core like vince to win with 680

May 23, 2012 at 3:02:21 AM UTC

Im buying my 1st 3770k next week, and with my luck it will probly be in the 7.1 - 7.3ghz range











3d stable.

pimp hand :nana:


expects 680 to be the right card EASILY


only issue is widespread retail availability! how will this be enforced i wonder if you can buy it in one country but not in another

May 23, 2012 at 3:18:39 AM UTC


May 23, 2012 at 3:37:49 AM UTC

lol james.

May 23, 2012 at 8:00:02 AM UTC

@Massman if anyone with cherry sample CPU or VGA will bench his hardware for MOA qualifier and then sell it till the end of the contest to the competing teams - would that guys be eligible to use this HW for making scores for the contest?

I suppose no, but I should have asked that -)

May 23, 2012 at 10:49:21 AM UTC

@Massman if anyone with cherry sample CPU or VGA will bench his hardware for MOA qualifier and then sell it till the end of the contest to the competing teams - would that guys be eligible to use this HW for making scores for the contest?

I suppose no, but I should have asked that -)


I think it is complicate to demonstrate if the hardware is "sold" or "shared".....

As i said everything is about your honesty.

Let's say (IMHO) to see 2 guy from same country, and also from same hwbot team, posting results with same cpu and vga clocks, make me sospicius......even if is no possible to demonstrate the sharing

May 23, 2012 at 11:17:06 AM UTC

how about instead of sharing, take your teammate with you and work together :P my 2 cents

May 23, 2012 at 1:03:26 PM UTC

i agree splave.. lol. Then there are no limits on sharing, just submit and work together

May 23, 2012 at 6:49:41 PM UTC

@Massman if anyone with cherry sample CPU or VGA will bench his hardware for MOA qualifier and then sell it till the end of the contest to the competing teams - would that guys be eligible to use this HW for making scores for the contest?

I suppose no, but I should have asked that -)


Is this a serious question?

May 23, 2012 at 9:20:54 PM UTC

kidding? surely sarcasm )

May 24, 2012 at 8:42:19 AM UTC

He is sarcastic yes,


selling a golden CPU to a team mate or friend to enter the same contest might be "legal" but un-sportsmanship like.


I think that answers the question? help massman

May 24, 2012 at 8:48:26 AM UTC

Can't even believe people are thinking about doing that :).


Is that really how you guys want MOA to go down?

May 24, 2012 at 10:23:17 PM UTC

official MOA background ? ????? link???



May 24, 2012 at 11:26:02 PM UTC

;175832']official MOA background ? ????? link???



May 25, 2012 at 12:09:34 AM UTC

Hmmh, do u have to got advanced version of 3dmark03 or is there some way submit to orb without it? O.o


EDIT: Maybe save as + 3dmark reader works for this, il try.

May 25, 2012 at 9:36:55 AM UTC

Hmmh, do u have to got advanced version of 3dmark03 or is there some way submit to orb without it? O.o


EDIT: Maybe save as + 3dmark reader works for this, il try.


Just use paintshop - version 1.0 - md5 sum generator and your set :P

May 25, 2012 at 12:17:57 PM UTC

or find a submission with no username on the orb and old system info with no info and photoshop the screen

May 27, 2012 at 11:57:02 PM UTC

Good god sandbaggers galore.

May 28, 2012 at 2:36:46 AM UTC

Not a good thing to say to these elite European overclockers. There is an elimination round and an after-elimination round. Who qualifies for moa qualifies for moa.

May 28, 2012 at 7:49:16 AM UTC

im still waiting for components don't hate!

May 28, 2012 at 8:19:15 AM UTC

Not a good thing to say to these elite European overclockers. There is an elimination round and an after-elimination round. Who qualifies for moa qualifies for moa.


We (me and TheKing) did our first run for MOA, yesterday evening, but we're stuck at 1,3v on the GPU, without AB Extreme, in other words 1330/1800 max in 3dm03.

I wrote 2 times to pieter in the last days, but no response yet.

And no, I don't want that sw from somebody else.

I think that MSI should give AB to people partecipating to that comp, and I don't know who's the person in MSI in charge to give that sw.

Can somebody help there?

May 28, 2012 at 8:40:33 AM UTC

I have no control over the release of AfterBurner and I cannot magically change MSI's policies on it. They make custom versions and hand it to xtreme overclockers they trust with the software. I can recommend people, or give additional background info when they ask me "who is this", but I do not have any final say in anything.


If you don't want the software from anyone else, then hardmod the card.

May 28, 2012 at 9:19:02 AM UTC

I have no control over the release of AfterBurner and I cannot magically change MSI's policies on it. They make custom versions and hand it to xtreme overclockers they trust with the software. I can recommend people, or give additional background info when they ask me "who is this", but I do not have any final say in anything.


If you don't want the software from anyone else, then hardmod the card.


Since you are the liaison between MOA participants/hwbot and MSI, shouldnt it automatically become your responsibility to get AB extreme for the participants to make the competition fair to all who do not have direct contact with MSI?????


What I feel, you are currently saying is, its not your responsiblity, And its your(interested participants) choice whether you want to participate in the competition or not.


P.S. I do have access to AB Extreme and to MSI representative, but if I did not, then I really would have felt grossly being treated unfair.

May 28, 2012 at 9:45:08 AM UTC

Since you are the liaison between MOA participants/hwbot and MSI, shouldnt it automatically become your responsibility to get AB extreme for the participants to make the competition fair to all who do not have direct contact with MSI?????


What I feel, you are currently saying is, its not your responsiblity, And its your(interested participants) choice whether you want to participate in the competition or not.



Pieter, I asked you in PM how can I get AB extreme, to avoid being marked as "unauthorized owner of unreleased sw originally given to xx", like almost everybody is doing around here, and this is you response Pieter?

Hardmod? I always hardmodded mobos and vgas in the last 10 years, but if I'm partecipating a competition in which everybody needs a software to not to risk damages to a 549euros vga, I should have it LEGALLY... Am I the only one who wants to pursue the correct way for having it? Well, it seems that it's not the case.

May 28, 2012 at 10:08:46 AM UTC

MSI definitely knows how to make fair competitions :P

i still wonder why people continue to join this kind of jokes lol

May 28, 2012 at 10:19:21 AM UTC

lol cmon guys give pj a break, i dont have access to ab unlocked, so i will do hardmod for past 1.3v

May 28, 2012 at 10:25:15 AM UTC

lol cmon guys give pj a break, i dont have access to ab unlocked, so i will do hardmod for past 1.3v


This is not the point... if everybody is imposed to risk his vga vmodding it, then it's ok to me.

If everybody is forbidden to use unreleased hw it's fair, it's ok to me.

If some guys can use a sw that lets them to not risk the vga due to a bad soldering, and the others not, this is not fair as I prefer to not hardmod a videocard that costs A LOT.

I'm not asking MSI to release everything to the public, but at least to the guys who are taking part in that comp!

May 28, 2012 at 10:42:33 AM UTC

MSI definitely knows how to make fair competitions :P

i still wonder why people continue to join this kind of jokes lol


So you reckon which fair competition overclockers should join????

May 28, 2012 at 10:44:54 AM UTC

Since you are the liaison between MOA participants/hwbot and MSI, shouldnt it automatically become your responsibility to get AB extreme for the participants to make the competition fair to all who do not have direct contact with MSI?????


You're absolutely correct. The MOA qualifiers are a cooperation between MSI and HWBOT. Cooperation means that HWBOT has some say in the organisation, but not full and complete say in everything. The AB Extreme distribution is something that is not even related to the MOA competition; it's being handled by a completely different team within MSI.


Like I said ... I'm not a magicworker.


//edit: as all this 'fairness' talk is concerned, you might want to read this:

May 28, 2012 at 10:49:22 AM UTC

You're absolutely correct. The MOA qualifiers are a cooperation between MSI and HWBOT. Cooperation means that HWBOT has some say in the organisation, but not full and complete say in everything. The AB Extreme distribution is something that is not even related to the MOA competition; it's being handled by a completely different team within MSI.


Like I said ... I'm not a magicworker.


//edit: as all this 'fairness' talk is concerned, you might want to read this:


I can't read it right now, I'm at work, but let's point out a thing that I wrote you in my first PM.

I'm not mad at you, we're trying to ASK you to let us know something and report to MSI our complaints.

We're not giving you the responsibility of MSI behavior... that said, if you can intercede and take them our arguments, it would be great, as we're all stuck at 1,3v. :(

May 28, 2012 at 10:55:12 AM UTC

I can't read it right now, I'm at work, but let's point out a thing that I wrote you in my first PM.

I'm not mad at you, we're trying to ASK you to let us know something and report to MSI our complaints.

We're not giving you the responsibility of MSI behavior... that said, if you can intercede and take them our arguments, it would be great, as we're all stuck at 1,3v. :(




You're absolutely correct. The MOA qualifiers are a cooperation between MSI and HWBOT. Cooperation means that HWBOT has some say in the organisation, but not full and complete say in everything. The AB Extreme distribution is something that is not even related to the MOA competition; it's being handled by a completely different team within MSI.


Like I said ... I'm not a magicworker.


//edit: as all this 'fairness' talk is concerned, you might want to read this:


As Iron said, if MSI denies your request (or has already denied) then I guess it becomes individual participants responsibility to get hold of the software but you should atleast try and get hold of the right contact (and you know its not that hard) who can authorize you to distribute the software through PM or likes OR Deny you to become such a middle man and ask you to provide the right contact person within MSI to participants OR to say no to such requests straightaway


But your earlier response was more like shrugging off the responsibility that you hold as hwbot/MOA Admin.

May 28, 2012 at 11:43:02 AM UTC

I also asked Massman for help with AB Extreme cause polish department wasn't able to send one email to appropriate person from PR department... and also nothing. Another adventure with MSI ended with fiasco :D

May 28, 2012 at 12:21:09 PM UTC

Wow. Everyone i know who has an unlocked AB Extreme has stated do not share. If it gets shared then the source will get cut off from future software. Personally i have used 4 or more different unlcoked AB extremes. And only 1 worked for me and that was only for the gpu. The memory was not unlocked so i had to use other software. They AB extremes out there are not fool proof. They work sometimes and not other times. They are BETA's mostly they are not working. Do the hard mods if you can. You'll be better off.


What really sucks is with all the whinning MSI will probably not offer things like this to anyone so we all get nothing.

May 28, 2012 at 1:03:16 PM UTC

I wish I could help, But Im on my 2nd strike for sharing what Im not supposed to. IDK how it was linked to me but thanks alot for whoever blew me in for helping them out lol never again.

May 28, 2012 at 1:13:36 PM UTC

I wish I could help, But Im on my 2nd strike for sharing what Im not supposed to. IDK how it was linked to me but thanks alot for whoever blew me in for helping them out lol never again.


FFS some people are idiots. That blows brudder.

May 28, 2012 at 1:20:52 PM UTC

I wish I could help, But Im on my 2nd strike for sharing what Im not supposed to. IDK how it was linked to me but thanks alot for whoever blew me in for helping them out lol never again.


Sad to hear Splave :(

May 28, 2012 at 2:28:40 PM UTC

Sad to see MSI and PJ getting so much crap they don't deserve. People, if you want AB-extreme, just ask MSI and sign the NDA. They will let you, if your able to show you're an actuall overclocker and know what you're doing.

May 28, 2012 at 2:48:13 PM UTC

Sad to see MSI and PJ getting so much crap they don't deserve. People, if you want AB-extreme, just ask MSI and sign the NDA. They will let you, if your able to show you're an actuall overclocker and know what you're doing.


Tried, I emailed to PR from VGA (Taipei) and everything was fine, he said they will send me AB Extreme but they need email from MSI Poland with confirmation of my identity. MSI Poland was too afraid to send email to him, they said they can't send information to main PR without special meeting of polish PR from MSI blablabla. Bunch of idiots, but MSI Poland is a part of MSI Global, so MSI sucks about AB Extreme.

May 28, 2012 at 4:25:26 PM UTC

All participants should be able to get a copy, thats the only way to make the MOA qualifiers fair. If someone can show a pic of the gear and sign a NSA :D whats the problem? HWBOT, the host of this compo, should be able to arrange this with MSI imho.

May 28, 2012 at 5:04:42 PM UTC

All participants should be able to get a copy, thats the only way to make the MOA qualifiers fair. If someone can show a pic of the gear and sign a NSA :D whats the problem? HWBOT, the host of this compo, should be able to arrange this with MSI imho.


Oh come on. All participants wern't able to get their hands on MSI harware nevermind software to overclock it for the Americas MOA. You wanna talk about fair?

May 28, 2012 at 5:12:35 PM UTC

Duke;176524']Oh come on. All participants wern't able to get their hands on MSI harware nevermind software to overclock it for the Americas MOA. You wanna talk about fair?


If ALL partecipants weren't able to put hands on something, then it was a crap, but it was the same for everybody.

And, if moa for america was a bad experience for that reason, why the hell should we have the same problems, on another issue?

Issues are made to be solved, not to say "oh come on, do the hardmod, oh come on, don't break msi balls, oh come on there are bigger problems in the world". Oh and if you will to hardmod a 549euros vga, nobody is keeping you from doin' it... but if I can avoid to put my hands on a soldering station (like it was in the past 10years, when I started), then it's better. I'm not a professional, I solder if it's necessary, and this time it is not.

May 28, 2012 at 5:18:30 PM UTC

Duke;176524']Oh come on. All participants wern't able to get their hands on MSI harware nevermind software to overclock it for the Americas MOA. You wanna talk about fair?


For the America's MOA you might have a point although i dont completely understand it, you had a card and so did others so ?

May 28, 2012 at 5:30:41 PM UTC

Not a Lightning. Why should anything change. There are challenges to be overcome.

You didn't know about the AB problem beofre MOA? You could have brought that up a long time ago. Not now that the contest has already begun. Everyone knew about AB Extremes a long long time ago.

May 28, 2012 at 5:34:50 PM UTC

Duke;176531']Not a Lightning. Why should anything change. There are challenges to be overcome.

You didn't know about the AB problem beofre MOA? You could have brought that up a long time ago. Not now that the contest has already begun. Everyone knew about AB Extremes a long long time ago.


Yes, I didn't know, because I didn't have a lightning and I simply tought that AB extreme was just like the last time I needed it, in the 5870 period... it was posted here and there on XS and almost all the websites, and everybody could pick it.

Now I noticed it, and now I'm raising my doubts and proposing solutions.

In America you had other problems? ok, I'm not in America, I didn't follow what you were doing over there, and if this time we can obtain a change in the rules for europe, the same will be applied to the next online qualifier and even to America, the next year.

May 28, 2012 at 5:41:27 PM UTC

MSI either needs to release the unlocked afb to everyone or no one to avoid these fiascos. Very simple.

May 28, 2012 at 6:24:46 PM UTC

Duke;176531']Not a Lightning. Why should anything change. There are challenges to be overcome.

You didn't know about the AB problem beofre MOA? You could have brought that up a long time ago. Not now that the contest has already begun. Everyone knew about AB Extremes a long long time ago.


I didnt notice you used a ref card, my bad. I agree this aint something new, but i do think it should be easy for any serious MOA competitor to get it and from what i have read in this topic that isnt the case for all.

May 28, 2012 at 6:47:14 PM UTC

its a shame when those that dont want it to be shared, are the ones that have it already for the :( really a sad thing, we are competing but in the end we are all overclocking brothers....

May 28, 2012 at 7:33:07 PM UTC

MSI either needs to release the unlocked afb to everyone or no one to avoid these fiascos. Very simple.



we need secret AB extreme for the vga.

we need (CCII Ver.2.2.087, Vcore 2.15V support) secret version to overvolt cpu over 1,8v on z77A mobos.

finaly why don't you name the winners?

Do you think i have money to spent on msi products in order to see the MSI guys in front of me?

competition is over for me.

May 28, 2012 at 7:56:19 PM UTC

In all competitions someone has something that the other dosn't. not just in computer competitions. Car racing for instance. One car builder will have something that the other dosn't. Does that make it unfair or is it just being on the leading edge?. IDK maybe its unfair maybe its not. Someone will always be better. Someone will always know something that everyone else dosn't. Always.

May 28, 2012 at 8:02:52 PM UTC

In car competitions, and in all competitions, there are rules that you must subscribe prior to say what's the team you'll bring on the racetrack, what car will you race with etc... if the rules states "no turbo allowed", no one can use it.

The parallel between our situation and the other one just described is "you can have max 500hp" as a rule. Normal teams will get no help in squeezing out the HPs, other teams will have the competition organizer who gives them aids, like "hey, do this in your ECU, it'll help you, don't share with others".

It's not vital, but it's for sure of help... and it's not fair to help somebody and not the others.

May 28, 2012 at 8:04:23 PM UTC

Quite true. ron

May 28, 2012 at 8:54:16 PM UTC

@MSI and @HWbot [basically this is Massman's responsibility]


For all I know only a handful needs this AB. All overclockers that have attended previous MSI events already obtained AB.


Others who intend to join, who have 7970lightnings, who use LN2 and aren't yet on the list should get a copy.


I only see 2[iron and Kintaro] guys asking for this software. I'm sure there is room for reconsideration.


Its also safe to ask for their team captain's stand on their members merit and credibility.

May 28, 2012 at 9:01:17 PM UTC

Honda, I think that a lot of people just have an AB taken from other guys, so we're not just in 2. And even if we're in 2 in the whole europe, maybe in other countries there are other guys who didn't asked it in public for their reasons that IDK. Please, don't put it in the perspective that I'm the only interested, in fact I was for not to enter the comp because I have so little time to spend on it etc... I was convinced by a friend, and I said ok, but there is a thing that I can't stand... and here we are.

If all this was only for me and my teammate, I was probably out drinking a pair of beers, instead of trying to get MOA rules more precise :D

May 28, 2012 at 9:09:14 PM UTC

You are right, many overclockers have copies from others... and so on. I also wanted to obtain my copy of AB Extreme but I surrendered with idiots in polish department...

May 28, 2012 at 9:10:33 PM UTC

I like the beer option.

May 28, 2012 at 9:12:43 PM UTC

It's not bad to ask. If you guys are reputable overclockers who want to compete in this competition then its only fitting to ask.


I'm only pointing out 2 guys [you included], because its obvious. Its also lessens the complications.


You guys better have pictures and videos showing 1.3v on afterburner and a pot on those 7970lightnings. otherwise you guys are just ranting.

May 28, 2012 at 9:13:56 PM UTC

@Duke: You want me out of here? just say it clear ahshahshahahhaa

No I'm joking, and this means that I said all I had to say, time to wait Pieter with news from msi, let's hope they'll be good :)


@honda: correct, I didn't post the screens because... well, I forgot to take pics of the rig -.-

Anyway, this is the max we reached, yesterday evening, with only 1,3v on the GPU, and CPU at -190, of course.

First one, gpu at 1300, -50 if I well remember



Max screen obtained, at about 20 degrees less, let's say in the -70/-80 range, 1330mhz, no way to do better with that voltage, even at -120


May 28, 2012 at 9:43:48 PM UTC

Na dude go for it. I have nothing to loose here. Good luck i hope it works out for you. I hope you have a lightning because you can't push more than 1.5vgpu without hitting ocp. Then you will be like me. I had to do ocp hard mod and i killed a 600.00 card doing it. yea cards were so hard to find that i had to pay 600.00 for a reference card on e-bay for MOA. Then NewEgg finally got some more in. It was rediculous.

May 28, 2012 at 9:47:34 PM UTC

it's really strange... afaik, usa is one of the first countries to get new hw (due to the "weight" of your IT market of course), when something new is released :\

May 28, 2012 at 9:52:23 PM UTC

It's funny, I can not find your homepage. I wanted to visit your team web site but the URL can not be found? Do you have a link? I also can not find your HWBot profile page. It says you are not here. LOool

May 28, 2012 at 10:04:55 PM UTC

uhm maybe it's for the | and I in my nick, that is different for forums and homepage :D

I'll pm the link, so that this topic will remain almost clean :)

May 29, 2012 at 12:10:18 AM UTC

lets just get clear that i DONT have afterburner unlocked to start with, seriously for everyone complaining you need to take a look at what your saying


this is an overclocking competition, meant for the best overclockers in the world to compete against one another, its not meant to be easy, if you cant hardmod your vga and even your board if its required, you need not apply, your services arnt required here,


i dont think its msi or hwbots responsibility to provide afterburner unlocked, any version of afterburner can do high clocks, so all you need is vgpu/vpll/vmem right? ok mod it and your problem is solved


sure it would be great if msi decided to release afterburner for everyone, but they havnt, so lets just get on with it?

May 29, 2012 at 1:34:01 AM UTC

I think a level playing field would be fair though ;) it is pretty easy to bench these cards with the right kit

May 29, 2012 at 3:42:48 AM UTC

lets just get clear that i DONT have afterburner unlocked to start with, seriously for everyone complaining you need to take a look at what your saying


this is an overclocking competition, meant for the best overclockers in the world to compete against one another, its not meant to be easy, if you cant hardmod your vga and even your board if its required, you need not apply, your services arnt required here,


i dont think its msi or hwbots responsibility to provide afterburner unlocked, any version of afterburner can do high clocks, so all you need is vgpu/vpll/vmem right? ok mod it and your problem is solved


sure it would be great if msi decided to release afterburner for everyone, but they havnt, so lets just get on with it?

First of all, it doesn't matter how experienced you are- there's always a chance you might kill something when modding or using a hard mod.


But that's besides the point. It's another one of those minor points that make things unfair that could be corrected very easily. The secret afterburner nonsense has created trouble ever since its inception. Ironically, the people that it hurts the most are potential participants to MSI's own contests. And of course, it creates an awkward dilemma for anyone that has the software. They end up being an asshole no matter what. If they don't share it, they're screwing their friends, and if they do share it, they break an NDA.


If they just never released such a thing period then everyone would need to mod, and that'd be fine too, but too late for that.

May 29, 2012 at 3:57:09 AM UTC

What will be the biggest problem is everyone complaining, msi will just not bother doing Moa if everyone keeps crying and saying msi suk.


Keep all of your negative crap out of this thread or kiss Moa 2013 goodbye.


Take it Pm

May 29, 2012 at 4:04:26 AM UTC

yeah I agree G that it should either be out in the public or not at all, i just dont think its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants

May 29, 2012 at 5:59:20 AM UTC

No better place to get it than the extreme community that is hwbot. MSI and HWbot are partners for a reason.


No better place to get it than from the competition host. In the Grand finals this will be given to all the qualifiers anyways.


The only place where this Unlocked AB is useful is for MSI competition and HWBOT. Simple as that.


As for having it available for everyone, I completely disagree. You simply can't give anybody a license to fly a commercial aircraft.

May 29, 2012 at 6:15:26 AM UTC

yeah I agree G that it should either be out in the public or not at all, i just dont think its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants


Nobody said its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants. But what I/others have said is that its sort of their responsibility to check with MSI about how to get the software in the right hands to keep the playing field fair.

May 29, 2012 at 6:31:16 AM UTC

I should be really sad about the 'state of the community' after reading all these posts here, but actually ... I'm quite happy.


I wish I could help, But Im on my 2nd strike for sharing what Im not supposed to. IDK how it was linked to me but thanks alot for whoever blew me in for helping them out lol never again.


... and the reason why I'm happy is because some folks actually put their nuts on the line and help out fellow overclockers with this kind of software. In fact, I know of at least 7 special afterburner versions that were used by someone other than the actual owner. Of course, I'm not going to tell who's helping out (not here, not to MSI), but that sharing spirit is pretty cool.


In light of a 'fair' competition, I think not having the AB xtreme is one of the smaller issues that is affecting the level of fairness. It's not like it's impossible to compete without it ... it just requires some extra work.


As for "afterburner extreme must be open for all" - I understand the community's point of view, but most certainly also MSI's point of view.

May 29, 2012 at 6:32:30 AM UTC

Nobody said its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants. But what I/others have said is that its sort of their responsibility to check with MSI about how to get the software in the right hands to keep the playing field fair.


I think by now they are blocking mails from my email address containing the words "afterburner", "release to all" and "community needs it". It's not because I don't post in public "hey guys, asked msi again" that I'm not doing it.

May 29, 2012 at 7:39:56 AM UTC

It's not because I don't post in public "hey guys, asked msi again" that I'm not doing it.


Thats all I, as a general hwbot user wanted to hear, that the admins have atleast tried, :D

May 29, 2012 at 7:57:43 AM UTC

lets just get clear that i DONT have afterburner unlocked to start with, seriously for everyone complaining you need to take a look at what your saying


this is an overclocking competition, meant for the best overclockers in the world to compete against one another, its not meant to be easy, if you cant hardmod your vga and even your board if its required, you need not apply, your services arnt required here,


i dont think its msi or hwbots responsibility to provide afterburner unlocked, any version of afterburner can do high clocks, so all you need is vgpu/vpll/vmem right? ok mod it and your problem is solved


sure it would be great if msi decided to release afterburner for everyone, but they havnt, so lets just get on with it?


MSI organizes a competition, in which I must mod their cards because that fucking software is secret.

Then, if I break the card, no warranty is recognized.

WTF? You have money to throw out of the window? Please, do it, but don't mess when somebody cares about trying not to destroy everything because of that stupid decision by MSI.

You wanna mod everything? Do it, nobody is trying to stop you.

You wanna see top competitions to include even soldering abilities? Ok, let's do MOA 2013 with a medium range vga, so that you're not vaporyzing half wage if something goes wrong.


@uncle fester: ooooh yess, let's not complain if something could be improved etc... let's not complain if politicians are shit involved with mafia and so on... let's not complain, because if we do, ooohhh poor us, there will be no MOA.

Well, I have the habit to try to improve things, not to stay in a corner and accept everything is thrown at me.

May 29, 2012 at 8:58:27 AM UTC

haha nteresting, this GPU is chil right, so whos got the datasheet to do mods anyway,


seems AB might be the only way to clock this card lol

May 29, 2012 at 9:14:24 AM UTC

Ok, no need to go further, you're in firewall mode and you simply can't hear our reasons.

Oh, don't usi msi control center to oc your cpu, insted do a pin mod on your 3770K (and if it's not possible, let's do some reverse engineering, to prove we are worth that comp), and a fullmod on the mobo, it surely defines you as a pro ocker that can compete in this event. control center is too easy, when you can vmod everything.

Oh, another thing: tell a guy who practices another sport what does he think about these rules and the partial release only to a few guys of a tool who helps a lot, and please report his answer.

May 29, 2012 at 10:12:02 AM UTC


May 29, 2012 at 11:08:21 AM UTC

so back to the compo, when are you Australians throwing down? Take plenty of pics...nothing is more fun then a drunk fester rofl

May 29, 2012 at 11:32:38 AM UTC

hm later june the flights are booked for Jono and me, not sure for the other boys, probably around the same time

May 29, 2012 at 12:25:21 PM UTC

Guys, don't complain too much! Search for the solution!


You are right, many overclockers have copies from others... and so on. I also wanted to obtain my copy of AB Extreme but I surrendered with idiots in polish department...

Prolly you went into the wrong door?.. I would try once again.


Ask - and it will be given to you:


Took me & T0lsty two evenings to get our personal copy of the newest AB extreme these days.


Honda, pro


May 29, 2012 at 3:24:16 PM UTC

Guys, don't complain too much! Search for the solution!



Prolly you went into the wrong door?.. I would try once again.


Ask - and it will be given to you:


Took me & T0lsty two evenings to get our personal copy of the newest AB extreme these days.


Honda, pro



You don't have polish department of MSI in your country ;)

May 29, 2012 at 6:25:29 PM UTC

Anyway another door is now open almost for everybody -)

Credits to PJ.

May 29, 2012 at 8:54:45 PM UTC

Hmmh whats different in lightning special oc bios compared to stock LN2 bios?? O.o

That bios was new thing for me..

May 29, 2012 at 11:01:58 PM UTC

Also I am curious about it, but on stock LN2 bios I get good MHz so... no idea what it is?

May 30, 2012 at 12:19:04 AM UTC

stock ln2 bios is good

May 30, 2012 at 6:19:33 AM UTC

The special BIOS is so-called OCP unlocked. But as far as I know, it's just an increased OCP and not much different from stock bios.

May 30, 2012 at 6:24:05 AM UTC

its an enhanced killer rofl

May 30, 2012 at 8:54:48 AM UTC

The special BIOS is so-called OCP unlocked. But as far as I know, it's just an increased OCP and not much different from stock bios.



I hit OCP without Reactor, with Reactor - I don't have OCP, but it's interesting

May 30, 2012 at 9:02:47 AM UTC

FYI - just a reminder. Elimination for the EMEA qualifier is 7/6 at 10PM GMT+2. You need to be in top-15 to be allowed to submit in the last week.

May 30, 2012 at 12:37:12 PM UTC

C'mon guys...

Lets post results to MOA EMEA...

I think the way to MSI keep the competition is to show there are "corum" and people working in that.

Looking forward to monster scores...and sure....lots of lucky draws

May 30, 2012 at 12:52:58 PM UTC

C'mon guys...

Lets post results to MOA EMEA...

I think the way to MSI keep the competition is to show there are "corum" and people working in that.

Looking forward to monster scores...and sure....lots of lucky draws


My mobo died, I ordered a new one, I am waiting now. I guess there will be a lot of monster scores...

May 30, 2012 at 5:18:53 PM UTC

I cant post, no Russia in EMEA country list! I hope it is error :D

May 30, 2012 at 5:22:16 PM UTC

Maybe this year Russia is APAC :D

May 30, 2012 at 6:10:48 PM UTC

I cant post, no Russia in EMEA country list! I hope it is error :D


Fixed it :)

May 30, 2012 at 6:59:05 PM UTC

My mobo died, I ordered a new one, I am waiting now. I guess there will be a lot of monster scores...


I wish you good lucky


May 30, 2012 at 8:13:10 PM UTC

Fixed it :)



June 5, 2012 at 11:02:50 AM UTC

Need help: 3DMark03, Windows 7 x64.


D3D Overrider limit my fps on 60 frames. Any suggestions?

3Dmark window run only first time, if close 3dmark and run again will be window with: 3DMark03 stoped work. Any suggestions?

June 5, 2012 at 11:13:54 AM UTC

try older riva tuner version

June 5, 2012 at 11:49:29 AM UTC

Need help: 3DMark03, Windows 7 x64.


D3D Overrider limit my fps on 60 frames. Any suggestions?

3Dmark window run only first time, if close 3dmark and run again will be window with: 3DMark03 stoped work. Any suggestions?


I had the same with 3dmark03 stopped working. Use Win 7 32bit.

June 5, 2012 at 11:57:31 AM UTC

Splave can you share?


Xtreme Addict yes, i tryed, same problem!

June 5, 2012 at 12:02:12 PM UTC

riva - 2.22 version, google it


for me Win7 32bit works, but you have to open 3dmark first, then ABX, then MSI ControlCenter

June 5, 2012 at 12:14:47 PM UTC

Xtreme Addict 2.20 not help me, 2.22 will try

June 5, 2012 at 12:33:04 PM UTC

just keep spamming 03 it will open on like the 5th try :)

June 5, 2012 at 12:35:09 PM UTC

Vivi not helped!!! :D

June 5, 2012 at 12:46:46 PM UTC

maybe use Win7 without SP?

June 5, 2012 at 1:06:35 PM UTC

My Win without SP

June 5, 2012 at 1:13:55 PM UTC

I checked - I used Win 7 with SP, maybe try SP :D

June 5, 2012 at 3:35:16 PM UTC

go to download!)

June 7, 2012 at 1:03:06 PM UTC

I am desperate here.


Still haven't received ABX and can't find Vmod (Shamino's for 7970 reference doesnt elaborate much, so that I could find equivalent resistors on the Lightning)


Can somebody send me PM with mod? Please.

June 7, 2012 at 1:21:28 PM UTC

Have you emailed Massman for ABX for MOA?

June 7, 2012 at 1:29:17 PM UTC

Have you emailed Massman for ABX for MOA?


All done correctly early on 04.07. Guess too late :(

June 7, 2012 at 1:29:27 PM UTC

We're out of games, last sunday we benched without probs, then, Tuesday, we were going to re-bench to post the scores before the elimination: mobo completely dead, no time to rma it, no way to submit anything.

We asked for ab extreme and then stopped everything, since there's no point in using it now.

Anyway, those mobos are too fragile, in this thread almost everyone has suffered from one or more of them broken.

Allright, see you next year maybe, and good luck to all of you for the qualification process!

June 7, 2012 at 2:09:35 PM UTC

We're out of games, last sunday we benched without probs, then, Tuesday, we were going to re-bench to post the scores before the elimination: mobo completely dead, no time to rma it, no way to submit anything.

We asked for ab extreme and then stopped everything, since there's no point in using it now.

Anyway, those mobos are too fragile, in this thread almost everyone has suffered from one or more of them broken.

Allright, see you next year maybe, and good luck to all of you for the qualification process!


Sorry to hear it ;(

June 7, 2012 at 2:14:19 PM UTC

Sorry to hear it ;(


Yeah, the mobos are fragile, but we did wrong in not submitting everything asap, we should have taken in account possible hw failures :)

At least, we can say we learnt something, after all :D

June 7, 2012 at 2:24:36 PM UTC

It's the first rule in OC - always make screens :D even, if results are shitty

June 7, 2012 at 2:52:38 PM UTC

dernettemann and I are also done with the competition...

Two Z77-GD65 do only max. 35x and neither time nor money for a new board.


Have fun guys and keep pushing the shi(f)t out of hell!

June 7, 2012 at 3:58:53 PM UTC

dernettemann and I are also done with the competition...

Two Z77-GD65 do only max. 35x and neither time nor money for a new board.


Have fun guys and keep pushing the shi(f)t out of hell!


Also sorry to hear :( my first board is only X16 capable now :D

June 7, 2012 at 4:12:22 PM UTC

In CPU features options about Energy (dont remember), need used custom and ratio will work.

June 7, 2012 at 4:19:52 PM UTC

so much killing and violence in this thread :(

June 7, 2012 at 4:40:11 PM UTC

my board still working nicely after many sessions.


I've been lucky.


Oh wait my reference 7970 died, not so lucky anymore :P

June 7, 2012 at 8:00:34 PM UTC


June 7, 2012 at 8:09:23 PM UTC

congrats top 15 !!

June 7, 2012 at 8:11:46 PM UTC

lol ViVi

Good luck top 15

June 7, 2012 at 8:24:09 PM UTC

Top 15 working


June 7, 2012 at 8:27:48 PM UTC

Will be nice battle!

June 7, 2012 at 8:32:55 PM UTC

Great scores :) Congrats to all TOP 15

June 7, 2012 at 8:53:42 PM UTC

this will be interesting :)

June 7, 2012 at 9:02:02 PM UTC

Congratulation to the other in top15. 15th place is reserved for us :D


Will be an awesome battle for top5!

June 7, 2012 at 10:36:28 PM UTC

Imagine all the people battling for TOP 15 on a livestream-camera. That would be intense! Flames, sweat and liquid nitrogen or just a bunch of dudes in pants surrounded by smoke looking at a screen :P


Anyways, congrats to all that made it out alive.


Luckily for me, I bought only one GPU. It was brand new from a webshop, but judging by the marks, someone had it. Oh and with a burned GPU reactor as a bonus with bent and melted pins :P

June 8, 2012 at 1:36:19 AM UTC

my board still working nicely after many sessions.


I've been lucky.


Oh wait my reference 7970 died, not so lucky anymore :P


thats the spirit, hah

June 8, 2012 at 9:14:47 AM UTC

Also sorry to hear :( my first board is only X16 capable now :D


After almost 100x CMOS Clear presses and 1h in the oven it went back to "life"...anyway competition done, the rest of LN will be used for M4E-Z which runs fine even after hours at -190c :D

June 8, 2012 at 12:59:12 PM UTC

I can not complain, just bought one 7970 lightning, and not the best but I can not say it's bad, the board had already purchased for longer, and so far has not killed anything ... but if that happened would be the end for me ...


I don´t know how many times i see bluescreens :P

June 8, 2012 at 7:04:25 PM UTC

It was brand new from a webshop, but judging by the marks, someone had it. Oh and with a burned GPU reactor as a bonus with bent and melted pins :P


I think I know who's had it :D

June 9, 2012 at 7:01:05 AM UTC

I think I know who's had it :D


lol, what?

June 9, 2012 at 9:54:48 AM UTC

this is a joke brand new gd 80 out of the box locked on 55

June 9, 2012 at 9:56:04 AM UTC

55 is memory related issue

June 9, 2012 at 9:56:10 AM UTC

Sheesh. Looks like my biggest issue is going to be finding an MSI board that works.

June 9, 2012 at 10:15:13 AM UTC

55 is memory related issue


yeah useally but tried 8 differnet stick in each slot same thing locked 55

June 9, 2012 at 10:15:45 AM UTC

oh and 3 differant cpus

June 9, 2012 at 11:10:02 AM UTC

hmm had 55 on the M5G when memory was not seated properly, reseated and no issues after that.

June 9, 2012 at 11:57:37 AM UTC

my first gd65 worked two days then locked to 55 code

tried with both bioses, two different cpus and a lot of different rams

bought another board, hope it will work at least 5 days more...

June 9, 2012 at 12:17:18 PM UTC

oh and 3 differant cpus


fester, try giving the stick some pressure while you boot


1 got 55 on mvf when I got too much vaseline in the slot

June 10, 2012 at 7:23:47 AM UTC

Ok guys, I am finally end for MOA.


My costs:


I bought 3x MSI Lightning HD 7970 - 2000$

Intel Core i7 3770K 6700 Spi 32M is dead - priceless + 330$

MSI Big Bang II XPower is dead, working only 3 channels DIMMs - 400$

MSI Z77A-GD65 is dead, VRM phases is dead, start and random shutdown under load - 200$


Totally: 2930$


And we have two ways now:


1. When Smoke come back from Taiwan buy new Lightning and X79A-GD65 650+250$

2. Buy 2 tickets in Taipei and be as guests! :D price 1500-2000$

June 10, 2012 at 10:00:32 AM UTC

Ok guys, I am finally end for MOA.


My costs:


I bought 3x MSI Lightning HD 7970 - 2000$

Intel Core i7 3770K 6700 Spi 32M is dead - priceless + 330$

MSI Big Bang II XPower is dead, working only 3 channels DIMMs - 400$

MSI Z77A-GD65 is dead, VRM phases is dead, start and random shutdown under load - 200$


Totally: 2930$


And we have two ways now:


1. When Smoke come back from Taiwan buy new Lightning and X79A-GD65 650+250$

2. Buy 2 tickets in Taipei and be as guests! :D price 1500-2000$


Sorry to hear, I completely understand you


I bought:

5x Lightning 7970 (3 are dead)

2x Z77A-GD65 (one is locked to x16 multi)

X79A-GD45 (the only available) but it appeared that my 3930K C1 retail (5450 MHz) is half dead and doesn't work on MSI boards, so I RMA'ed it

3960X C2 (cause my 3930K died) which will be on Monday

3x i7 3770K, but it was not bad move, I found 6.7 chip :)

June 10, 2012 at 10:31:49 AM UTC

Seems that MSI has got some profit on this event, especially on Lightnings sells -))

June 10, 2012 at 10:00:08 PM UTC

Okay, my GD65 blew up (CPU mosfet) killing my 6.7 GHz SPI32m chip... MSI on the roll

June 10, 2012 at 11:00:15 PM UTC

I can not be complaining...

I losed 2 x MSI X79 GD 65 (works one day and after 20 LN2 lts...first session working all died and no more bench)

Losed one Z68 GD80 that's killed my 5970 Mhz 2600K (priceless).


But still got a place to was good to me.

Even I losed PCparts...




Good lucky for all... looking forward for the 5 finalists

June 10, 2012 at 11:58:26 PM UTC

Seems that MSI has got some profit on this event, especially on Lightnings sells -))


lol..... So has Intel.

June 11, 2012 at 12:06:40 AM UTC

Are you guys taking notes on when/why stuff dies? Should be good info for MSI right?

June 11, 2012 at 6:41:15 AM UTC

Massman it's magic :D


Xtreme Addict bad news... it was before when you want save screen on 6,7 ghz run?)

June 11, 2012 at 7:00:30 AM UTC

Okay, my GD65 blew up (CPU mosfet) killing my 6.7 GHz SPI32m chip... MSI on the roll

Seems that killing highly-clocked CPUs is the main MSI LGA1155 motherboards' OC issue. Just like during previous year. 'Excellent' marketing promo though they usually tell @you guys did something wrong@ -)


Are you guys taking notes on when/why stuff dies? Should be good info for MSI right?
The most interesting thing is that HW dies without any noticeable reason, and water/condensate IS NOT a problem.

Some told 10 months ago that they should totally re-design their DrMOS working algoritms but seems that everything remains untouched when comparing P67/Z68 and Z77 boards.

June 11, 2012 at 7:04:36 AM UTC

Massman it's magic :D


Xtreme Addict bad news... it was before when you want save screen on 6,7 ghz run?)


Yes, I only found 6.6 GHz crappy run saved... So officially I am out of MOA, no more Z77 board and good CPU even if I order new staff I doubt I will be able to test it before 14.06 :( I will only test today LGA2011 when my CPU arrives




I agree, even when Asus board has cpu power circuit failure, CPU is still alive, in MSI it equals = dead

June 11, 2012 at 7:07:52 AM UTC



I agree, even when Asus board has cpu power circuit failure, CPU is still alive, in MSI it equals = dead

Damn right! Dead DrMOS phase = dead or half-burned CPU in 95% cases.

June 11, 2012 at 7:11:43 AM UTC

I have too much bad luck and I am getting old, cause I am not extremely mad about it, in fact I was sure that I will lose this CPU in that board. It's only DrMOS, but MOA needs blood of innocent victims lol. With a bit of luck my result will let me win ticket so not too bad. The only positive thing is that new CPU seem to clock better and better than older batches so maybe I will find even a better one :D

June 11, 2012 at 7:17:51 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict with your 3DM11 score (i am about backup;) ) you will be in Taipei. I am sure. Do you have any surprise in 3DM03? Submit it, show must go on :D

June 11, 2012 at 7:19:44 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict show us your tits!

June 11, 2012 at 7:23:32 AM UTC

I was going to do 03 after SPI... so no backup


in fact I don't like this all backup game lol

June 11, 2012 at 8:04:42 AM UTC

I order new Z77, X79 and Lightning, hope it can help me.

June 11, 2012 at 8:06:48 AM UTC

MSI is a killer board........ my Z68-gd80 when i have press start buton went into fire from mosfets and has killed my second 5750 sandy.

I have killed also my good ivy after removing IHS and now that i have find another good ivy i'm afraid to play. A lot of burned hardware just for a ticket..........

June 11, 2012 at 8:09:49 AM UTC

just for a ticket..........
Not even for a ticket, just for a chance to play for a ticket ;)

And that is really sad. I suppose next time I'll take a tour to Taipei for the money that could be spent on contest hardware. Should be more than enough.

June 11, 2012 at 8:25:14 AM UTC

Not even for a ticket, just for a chance to play for a ticket ;)

And that is really sad. I suppose next time I'll take a tour to Taipei for the money that could be spent on contest hardware. Should be more than enough.


Some people like I in Poland hadn't had chance to participate in MOA earlier. The only normal MOA polish edition was in 2009, firstly there were online qualifications and 4 best participated in live event contest, I was third then in live event. Then in 2010 there wasn't MOA in Poland, in 2011 MSI Poland organised live event contest only for Team PCLab (G.Foyle and yotomeczek) and ryba (ASD crew). So this year I made up my mind and decided to buy all needed hardware and fight for finals. It's bad that we need so much hardware for it which is very fragile, and it would be nice if there were semifinals live but like I said, for me it was the only chance and I am very happy with 2012 MOA edition via HWBOT. Maybe next year MSI would develop this form, and make HWbot qualifications for live semifinals, it would give more fight, bigger show, more prices for participants :)

June 11, 2012 at 9:18:20 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict you really deserve this ticket on MOA 2012


Gyus, how about buy ticket in Taipei in 2013. Beer, sun and ocean, it will better than OC contest :D

June 11, 2012 at 9:19:26 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict you really deserve this ticket on MOA 2012


Gyus, how about buy ticket in Taipei in 2013. Beer, sun and ocean, it will better than OC contest :D

June 11, 2012 at 10:38:59 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict you really deserve this ticket on MOA 2012


Gyus, how about buy ticket in Taipei in 2013. Beer, sun and ocean, it will better than OC contest :D


Agree for both :D

June 11, 2012 at 11:10:34 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict you really deserve this ticket on MOA 2012


Gyus, how about buy ticket in Taipei in 2013. Beer, sun and ocean, it will better than OC contest :D


excellent idea ahahahah.

June 11, 2012 at 1:42:11 PM UTC

Xtreme Addict you really deserve this ticket on MOA 2012


Gyus, how about buy ticket in Taipei in 2013. Beer, sun and ocean, it will better than OC contest :D


Haha, thx :) Beer, sun and sea, I like it :D and afterparty with some vodka


Agree for both :D


thx ;)


excellent idea ahahahah.


4x vote for yes :D


Tested new 3960X - only 5.25 GHz, tomorrow I will test new 3930K. I will 2x new Ivy 3770K before the end of MOA, but I won't be able to organise new Z77A-GD65

June 11, 2012 at 1:45:46 PM UTC

Tested new 3960X - only 5.25 GHz, tomorrow I will test new 3930K. I will 2x new Ivy 3770K before the end of MOA, but I won't be able to organise new Z77A-GD65


3930K must be better ;)

June 11, 2012 at 1:53:10 PM UTC

3930K must be better ;)


Few months ago I was binning 3930K C2, tested 10+, worst was 4.5 GHz, best 5.28 GHz and my first C1 was 5450 MHz. I don't have golden hand for CPUs. That's why I guess I will be binning 3770K to meet the dead one until Ivy-E will be released lol :D

June 11, 2012 at 2:51:37 PM UTC

Till now, me and Cische bought:


5 7970 lightning (1 dead)

1 x79 gd65 (bios corrupted, RMA)

1 x79 xpower II

2 z77 gd65 (both still alive)

6 3770k (but not specifically for this contest, we are still binning more)

250 liters LN2



We hope to have something more to show ..... ;)

June 11, 2012 at 3:03:42 PM UTC

Seems that MSI has got some profit on this event, especially on Lightnings sells -))


BINGO! You will complete pay ticket/hotel expenses for others :)

June 11, 2012 at 3:56:39 PM UTC

BINGO! You will complete pay ticket/hotel expenses for others :)


Till a few years ago these comps used to be closed to normal overclockers and only being a invite only competition, even then we (overclockers) used to have problems, and now that its open we still complain. So what should be done???? Make these competitions again for only Pro-Overclockers????


Though even I have a problem, and that is the prizes, that should be higher, some1 earning 6th & 7th Position in the continent (or 2) should not be handed over just a motherboard IMO, Many would say they do not participate to Win paltry prizes but glory or other such fascinating things but I believe atleast better prizes for the next few should be done which was the case earlier.

June 11, 2012 at 9:09:51 PM UTC

I was going to do 03 after SPI... so no backup


in fact I don't like this all backup game lol


Yes but you know it's what people do. Be prepared, cause there are sandbaggers in these comps.

June 11, 2012 at 9:12:14 PM UTC

BINGO! You will complete pay ticket/hotel expenses for others :)


That is so not true dude. We/our purchases are a pimple on the ass of the hardware production line for any of these companies.

June 11, 2012 at 9:20:57 PM UTC

I don't know about you guys but i love the risk!


Love the burn, love the death, love the victory. Great results taste even sweeter when you've tried so hard to get there. Knowing my nice CPU might die at any moment makes it more thrilling (maybe im just weird..). I have one more push to do, tomorrow.


I killed my ref 7970, tough shit. But because i have such an amazing friend Drweez managed to swap it out for a lightning 7970 with little cost extra. Win!


The only thing i HATE about this competition is that butterfly that won't land on the rock in 03

June 11, 2012 at 11:42:49 PM UTC

lol yeah nature is hard on the VGA, artifacts near the butterfly landing on the rock many times

June 12, 2012 at 1:11:03 AM UTC

I hate trolls, especially in 03

June 12, 2012 at 7:20:10 AM UTC

We hope to have something more to show ..... ;)
So you take place in the contest this year?

June 12, 2012 at 7:47:22 AM UTC

The only thing i HATE about this competition is that butterfly that won't land on the rock in 03




June 12, 2012 at 7:50:16 AM UTC


how do you calculate places if members have the same points quantity?

June 12, 2012 at 7:51:37 AM UTC

didn't he used to go by the rule, first submit, first to top spot with equal points? i could be wrong

June 12, 2012 at 8:11:48 AM UTC

If you will be true, Aristidis will be higher me.

June 12, 2012 at 8:19:10 AM UTC

You mean competition points or benchmark points?


Competition points => 3dmark11 is decisive benchmark

Benchmark points => first submit is ranked higher

June 12, 2012 at 8:22:20 AM UTC

competition points

thanks boss


p.s. should we calculate the rounded points for competition rank, or those 60 - 43,2 - 38,4 - 36 - 33,6 - 31,2 - 28,8 - 26,4 including decimals?

June 12, 2012 at 8:28:44 AM UTC

eish! The EMEA MOA Qualifiers has been extremely tough for alot of us judging by some of the conversations and posts here.

while MSi has done a great job with the Z77A-GD65 and i like the board compared to its predecessors but only the first couple of bench session are great and then something go's wrong with the ME8/bios and or the components on the board.

I have had 4 boards now that developed the issue where the maximum multiplier is 39x and after a wipe/reflash the board works and functionality is restored but no stability at high clocks and low temps can be reached again.


added to this have tested a total of five 7970 Lightnings and the results have been a wild!

1) LN2 CB -140 1600 @ 1.598 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3

2) LN2 CB -30 1550 @ 1.550 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3

3) LN2 CB -80 1630 @ 1.610 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3 - DEAD (0.0 vGPU)

4) LN2 CB -90 1500 @ 1.650 - AIR 1200Mhz @ 1.3 - DEAD (0.0 vGPU)

5) LN2 CB -95 1610 @ 1.620 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3


Last night my best 7970 lightning died while testing memory clocks for SuperPi32 on a GD65 that had the 39x error fix, stock bios, stock heat sink at stock clocks just 5 seconds into 06 with 0.0vGPU :( :(


My best sessions was always my first session so after 4 weeks of hard frustrating benching tonight will be my last dash to the finish line (If I can get 03 and 11 to load) with my last good 7970 on my 5th GD65 with a new CPU.


This has been a real wild ride of emotions but all the same what a great competition and good luck to everyone during the last 2 days of benching

Thank you MSi, Hwbot and every one else who has assisted and advised over the last 4 weeks

June 12, 2012 at 8:48:28 AM UTC

dRweEz holy moly! pity to hear that. i wonder if anybody benched for the compo without any hardware issues.

June 12, 2012 at 9:09:12 AM UTC

I guess every team killed something during MOA :banana:

June 12, 2012 at 9:21:19 AM UTC

I killed my teammate, since killing hw was too mainstream :D

June 12, 2012 at 9:25:04 AM UTC

|ron LOL

June 12, 2012 at 9:43:39 AM UTC

lol dinos! (laughed irl)

lol iron

this thread is great for comic releif :P

June 12, 2012 at 9:51:37 AM UTC

This thread is really great (despite all this killed hardware lol)


|ron - hahahaha you made my day


3930K must be better ;)


You were right, finally found 3930K with 55 multi working :banana:

June 12, 2012 at 10:06:25 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict congratulations my friend!!!

June 12, 2012 at 10:56:05 AM UTC

Xtreme Addict congratulations my friend!!!


Thx :) Hope it will survive MSI boards. Not bad CPU for some 4x GPU action

June 12, 2012 at 11:10:03 AM UTC

new Lightning seems is better: VID 1.04v and ASIC 82% ;)

June 12, 2012 at 11:16:35 AM UTC

new Lightning seems is better: VID 1.04v and ASIC 82% ;)


Never checked ASIC and VID, I know only my best (on ln2) Lightning does only 1150 MHz @ 1.3v on AC lol and my worst (on ln2) did 1300 MHz @ 1.3v @ AC

June 12, 2012 at 11:19:13 AM UTC

new Lightning seems is better: VID 1.04v and ASIC 82% ;)


:) Looks like you'll have better luck!!!


I don´t kill anithing in all qualifier :P, and i,m done with it!!!

June 12, 2012 at 11:54:34 AM UTC

Seems is really good card:


But efficienty is very low and CPU cannot go higher, on ASUS can 5500+ Mhz

June 12, 2012 at 11:58:33 AM UTC

Great card indeed :)

June 12, 2012 at 12:03:36 PM UTC

Thanks bro! But for your backup` score it is not enough!

June 12, 2012 at 12:16:53 PM UTC

lol :D

June 12, 2012 at 11:45:08 PM UTC

Daaamn i think drweez and I are out.


We only got our hands on many 1.175 vid cards. And before they start playing nicely they get too warm, in my opinion is like the 580 without an IHS. Gets too warm too quickly so no hope. we get the same clocks from -60, and dropping to -120 doesn't help.


Once upon a time my card could finish 1670 but i couldn't replicate that result later :P


Gratz to all it was a blast!


Guess i'll be waiting for LOC o_o

June 13, 2012 at 1:50:06 AM UTC

Damn, you guys are really pushing hard.



June 13, 2012 at 1:58:37 AM UTC

Europeans are showing they have the top OC region once again. This will be hard to top. Awesome benching everyone

June 13, 2012 at 3:42:15 AM UTC

I don't know about you guys but i love the risk!


Love the burn, love the death, love the victory. Great results taste even sweeter when you've tried so hard to get there. Knowing my nice CPU might die at any moment makes it more thrilling (maybe im just weird..). I have one more push to do, tomorrow.


I killed my ref 7970, tough shit. But because i have such an amazing friend Drweez managed to swap it out for a lightning 7970 with little cost extra. Win!


The only thing i HATE about this competition is that butterfly that won't land on the rock in 03


Great attitude.




Europeans are showing they have the top OC region once again. This will be hard to top. Awesome benching everyone

Deanzo does NOT approve!

June 13, 2012 at 5:04:29 PM UTC

I just realized i could still win lucky draw!!!



June 13, 2012 at 5:24:57 PM UTC

I just realized i could still win lucky draw!!!






p.s. another WR from Team, this time 3DM11 -)

p.p.s. I wonder how many will there be more..

June 13, 2012 at 5:42:25 PM UTC

Europeans are showing they have the top OC region once again. This will be hard to top. Awesome benching everyone



June 13, 2012 at 6:02:05 PM UTC



p.s. another WR from Team, this time 3DM11 -)

p.p.s. I wonder how many will there be more..


Great score!!!

June 13, 2012 at 7:45:22 PM UTC



p.s. another WR from Team, this time 3DM11 -)

p.p.s. I wonder how many will there be more..


I'm sure that this WR is not for a ling time :)

June 13, 2012 at 8:25:05 PM UTC

I'm sure that this WR is not for a ling time :)


Actually this one is for being 2-3 hours in another piece of glory light, we perfectly know that. But then we'll see ;)

June 13, 2012 at 8:48:36 PM UTC

we'll see ;)


Did you see? :D

June 13, 2012 at 8:52:54 PM UTC

Did you see? :D

was not a surprise -)

another one is not too -))

June 13, 2012 at 10:21:30 PM UTC

i agree, it's waaay too quiet :)

June 14, 2012 at 3:24:00 AM UTC

Holy sh**!! Looking at the result you guys made all this time, I'am REALLY thankful that I wasn't competing in the EMEA region :D :D :D

June 14, 2012 at 4:31:09 AM UTC



i was thinking more how we in Asia would have gotten smashed judging by the retail cards our guys purchased so far, not pretty!

June 14, 2012 at 4:32:53 AM UTC

Deanzo does NOT approve!


what my mate deanzo needs is a good card so we can show off our efficiency, hard to do that with junk clocks :D

June 14, 2012 at 3:40:58 PM UTC

I bought third Z77A-GD65 today and it died after 15 minutes. I am officially out

June 14, 2012 at 3:54:08 PM UTC

same... new MB, start, quick settings, throw down temperature and crash... after hang at 55

June 14, 2012 at 4:36:52 PM UTC

shhh, thats sucks :o

we tried the same board a few days ago and it died after 2 or 3 tries of 32m at 6.3ghz. took the cpu too ...

June 14, 2012 at 7:01:44 PM UTC

Less than 1 hour to go now....c'mon show us the backup scores :D :D :D

June 14, 2012 at 7:09:50 PM UTC

nuts scores!

June 14, 2012 at 7:21:22 PM UTC

Lots of surprises...great work from the top EMEA guys.


June 14, 2012 at 7:29:57 PM UTC

soo uh what happens if there is a tie...

June 14, 2012 at 7:36:52 PM UTC

Arm wrestle contest Splave !!


placing bets on SF3D

June 14, 2012 at 8:00:47 PM UTC

Congrats guys, it was a pleasure to follow this great batlle, thanks :up:

June 14, 2012 at 8:01:10 PM UTC


June 14, 2012 at 8:03:24 PM UTC

Congrats to all participants, to winners also and wish you all good luck on final...

June 14, 2012 at 8:03:27 PM UTC

So, is this top5 for WW final? ;-P


June 14, 2012 at 8:07:35 PM UTC

My UTMOST respect for ALL the contestants of the EMEA Qualifier, you guys PUSHED really hard !!!


Congrats to the top 5 who qualified, hopefully I can see you guys in MOA WW Final :)

June 14, 2012 at 8:08:32 PM UTC

this is bad luck ...... really bad luck :(



finisched this run right now and i should have been 5th with this .... :(





June 14, 2012 at 8:19:19 PM UTC

Sorry mate!!! It must be really frustrating!


It will be great to meat everyone in Taipei :)

June 14, 2012 at 8:20:16 PM UTC

there is always LOOC :)

June 14, 2012 at 8:20:19 PM UTC


you shouldn wait until last minute, its you fault.

June 14, 2012 at 8:22:02 PM UTC


you shouldn wait until last minute, its you fault.




do you really think i waith to upload ?? I just bench wen I have time ........and tonight i had still 2 hours ..... :(

June 14, 2012 at 8:22:33 PM UTC

Ouch, that must hurt Cische. T0lsty, he tried to get score in time, but he got it after the time limit was over. He was not holding it as a backup, or this is the way I understand it.


Congratulations to all top 5 teams. Hard work gave good results! Have fun in Taipei!

June 14, 2012 at 8:25:50 PM UTC


you shouldn wait until last minute, its you fault.


Man that is a 'little' harsh.

June 14, 2012 at 8:32:26 PM UTC

Congrats all winners, last 2 weeks was a very hard for me, many hardwares is died, but we are happy that can confirm our skills. See all in Taipei!


And of course personal thanks for my friends: cyclone, T0lsty, Perica_barii, Billy-The-Kid, rbuass, S_A_V.

June 14, 2012 at 8:33:37 PM UTC

Much respect to all participant! It was a really impressive competition to watch :)

June 14, 2012 at 8:37:46 PM UTC

First of all congratulations and espcial the top 5! I was in the most ungrateful possition.... :(

It was my first participation in a contest of this magnitude ... and without doubt it was quite interesting to see all this competition! And hope try again for next year :P

June 14, 2012 at 8:37:51 PM UTC

Congrats top5!

And thanks to all who participated in this battle.


Bad luck with the lightning this time... low asic, high vid, not likes cold and 1600mhz is max.

Had 4:51 32M backup but additional 5 points not helps me to get any higher place in the ranking anyway.


June 14, 2012 at 8:38:24 PM UTC

Intense battle for sure! I don't remember such fight last years.

Yeah big respect to all contestants, even for those who aren't qualified but gave the best of them ;)

June 14, 2012 at 9:02:51 PM UTC

This year's MOA EMEA was brain-smashing and wallet-smashing %)


Congrats to those who qualified for WW and good luck to the ones who'll continue their MOA journey in LOOC!

June 14, 2012 at 9:03:36 PM UTC

Congrats to all participants it was a very hard competition we manage to do all our 3D scores the last hour with the good reference zombie vga because the one and only lightning that we have was totaly crap.

See you all i Taiwan guys :)

June 14, 2012 at 9:03:45 PM UTC

I think this was the greatest online overclocking contest so far. Some of the top results were just nuts :)


Congrats to the top5, im sure you guys spend an insane amounth of time, money and effort in it.

Make Europe proud in the world finals! :D

June 14, 2012 at 9:35:34 PM UTC

Awesome qualifier! Guys, all of you made it one of the hardest battle I'd ever seen!

It will be great to have fun with you in Taipei!

Something that I always ask is why there's 5 spots for EMEA and only three to Americas and this kinda competition shows that even if it was 7 spots for EMEA it would be fair. You guys took it seriously, you deserve it. Congratulations to all of you that took a shot for MOA.

June 14, 2012 at 10:11:47 PM UTC

Well Done Guys, Especially to the Greek Guys...


Bravo paides....

Elladara mwreeeee!


Maybe . . . CU in Taiwan :D

June 14, 2012 at 10:46:56 PM UTC

Congratulations to everyone who participated! As far as the top5 is concerned, what a great battle, i can't remember anything like that!


I was on the phone with Stelaras up until like the last second when they were pushing for 3dmark 11 again, it was amazing :D

June 14, 2012 at 11:16:39 PM UTC



16K 3D11 :)

June 14, 2012 at 11:25:17 PM UTC

wow - now that is what you call a competition!! Some amazing scores, and the hardware carnage - OMG :)Congrats to the winners, and all those that managed new PB's

June 15, 2012 at 12:46:02 AM UTC

thanks for a nice game this year ,and 16k 3d11 it to nice :)

June 15, 2012 at 3:07:32 AM UTC

Amazing contest in the EMEA region......Was really thrilling to keep a tab on the daily new WR's. Congratulations to all the winners and good work all the participants....

June 15, 2012 at 3:20:28 AM UTC

I only can give you guys...CONGRATZ...

At least the top 10 EMEA well deserved to be in the finals...

Great job guys...the hardest competition ever.


@Slamms and @Xtreme Addict - I told you...that I believed you will be there...


@ Poland - special overclocking country ;)

June 15, 2012 at 5:57:33 AM UTC

where are romanian guys this year? no attempt? strange ...

June 15, 2012 at 6:16:48 AM UTC ticket?

June 15, 2012 at 6:49:56 AM UTC

OBR will be direct ticket

June 15, 2012 at 9:48:25 AM UTC

Nice work. Great competition guys.

June 15, 2012 at 12:21:03 PM UTC

What a great competition! I am really impressed!! Really great jobs, all guys :)

June 16, 2012 at 11:51:37 AM UTC

Such a shame that Perica didnt make it, it was fantastic following his progress, improving all over the challenge, and as mentioned by others, having the energy to aid other people.

But EMEA was too hard, without both CPU and GPU, it was impossible it seems, and Perica simply did not have a powerful cpu....


Huge respect to the effort, and hope you will win LOC, if anyone deserves being there, its you.

June 16, 2012 at 12:21:28 PM UTC

+ 1 for Perica, Billy and others - well deserved place -

I vote for more places to EMEA


June 16, 2012 at 12:51:38 PM UTC

Such a shame that Perica didnt make it, it was fantastic following his progress, improving all over the challenge, and as mentioned by others, having the energy to aid other people.

But EMEA was too hard, without both CPU and GPU, it was impossible it seems, and Perica simply did not have a powerful cpu....


Huge respect to the effort, and hope you will win LOC, if anyone deserves being there, its you.


It is lucky for the others that post office from USA to Montenegro is slow, He purchased 5.7ghz 3930k and 6.4ghz 3770k from me a month ago and tracking says its still in chicago :( so that is real shitty thing to happen to him...

June 16, 2012 at 2:21:32 PM UTC

Thx for support guys, but like all others we have some problems, someone loose his hardware, someone did not get it in time, but that is the game. Everyone did their best with what they have, and that is the spirit. There are only 5 spots so everyone cannot go just 5 of us. I was very happy and honored to compete with all this guys and I can say for sure that best will represent us in WW final.

June 16, 2012 at 4:35:00 PM UTC

Thx for support guys, but like all others we have some problems, someone loose his hardware, someone did not get it in time, but that is the game. Everyone did their best with what they have, and that is the spirit. There are only 5 spots so everyone cannot go just 5 of us. I was very happy and honored to compete with all this guys and I can say for sure that best will represent us in WW final.




After a day and have been drunk to forget the sixth place ... lol

Is With satisfaction i say: I am very proud to have participated in this battle ....

June 16, 2012 at 11:08:14 PM UTC

It is lucky for the others that post office from USA to Montenegro is slow, He purchased 5.7ghz 3930k and 6.4ghz 3770k from me a month ago and tracking says its still in chicago :( so that is real shitty thing to happen to him...


man that sux :o

June 17, 2012 at 3:01:28 AM UTC

I know what you feel man, I had 6th place in europe MOA Finals 2 years ago :(


In your case, you lost by 45 points in 3dmark11. Well, once I lost by 14 points in 3dmark06 :eek:


I know what you are talking about...

last year, 2011, I losed a place to MOA finals at Vegas because only 12 points 3DMark11.

So...I losed to go to finals...and got #4 place


June 18, 2012 at 6:17:01 AM UTC

Hey guys!

When will there be the MOA EMEA official results release from MSI?

June 19, 2012 at 3:22:08 AM UTC

You are right, Stelaras

June 19, 2012 at 8:26:51 AM UTC

I just noticed something ...What's wrong with the points ???
Yup, there is an issue. I've asked about it somewhere here days ago.

Fortunately it diesn't influence the TOP5 list so I don't care much till all the prizes are equal. I would if there would be some teams ranked #5 with almost-equal-poits.

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