Submission Details
elmor`s CPU Frequency score - Elite League
7548.68 MHz with AMD Ryzen 9 9950X at 7548.7MHz
Ranking position
Global rank:
Ryzen 9 9950X rank:
1st out of 5
Points earned for overclocker league
Global Points
Not elmor's best submission
0.0 Points
Hardware Points
1st using Ryzen 9 9950X
6.0 Points
Points earned for team league
Global Team Power Points (GTPP) Not's best submission
0.0 Points
Hardware Team Power Points (HTPP) 1st in team using Ryzen 9 9950X
5.7 Points
Hardware details
CPU details
- Model: AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 'Granite Ridge'
- Cooling: Liquid Nitrogen
- Cores: 7,548.68MHz(+57.26%)
Memory details
- Manufacturer: G.SKILL
- Product: Trident Z5
- Type: 16384MB DDR5 SDRAM
VGA details
- Model: GeForce GTX 750 Ti (GM107) NVIDIA
- Speed: 1,085MHz / 1,350MHz (Stock)
Mainboard details
- Manufacturer: ASUS
- Model: ROG Crosshair X870E Hero
- Chipset: X870E
Disk details
Power details
- Manufacturer: Enermax
- Series: Revolution D.F
- Power: 1,200 Watt
Recent Comments
elmor commented on his own score:
With some help from Safedisk
unityofsaints says:
Excellent stuff! Crazy to think that a third AMD 8G platform after FM2 and AM3+ isn't that far away now anymore.
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