Submission Details
Noxinite`s SuperPi - 32M score - Extreme League
10min 46sec 375ms with Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 at 4002.8MHz
Ranking position
Global rank:
Core 2 Duo E8500 rank:
Points earned for overclocker league
Global Points
Not Noxinite's best submission
0.0 Points
Hardware Points
Not Noxinite's best Core 2 Duo E8500 submission
0.0 Points
Points earned for team league
Hardware details
CPU details
- Model: Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 'Wolfdale-6M'
- Cooling: AIO Water
- Cores: 4,002.79MHz(+26.39%)
Memory details
- Cooling: Air (Custom)
- Type: 4096MB DDR3 SDRAM
- Speed: @ 1,001MHz
- Timings: CL6 7-5-19 1T
VGA details
- Model: ASUS GeForce GT 610 (GF119''') NVIDIA
- Cooling: Air (Stock)
- Speed: 810MHz / 900MHz (Stock)
Mainboard details
- Model: rampage extreme
- Cooling: Air (Custom)
Recent Comments
Noxinite commented on his own score:
Skew = strong as stronger doesn't boot to OS. ;)
Calathea says:
ah, off to an easy start I see
Noxinite says:
I was testing at 4.5GHz and then made this run to see how much faster I was than before.
Calathea says:
Yeah well I've only ever seen 1 more efficient reult with hipro's 6x666 fsb run and D9's. Sooo ok, I'll do my best anyway
Noxinite says:
Thanks! But 666x6, dayum.
Do you have a link?
I think with cold NB and cold hypers it could probably be pushed further.
Calathea says:
Maybe I remember incorrectly, can only seem to find reference to Hipro's 6 x 653 run for sub 11 min category.
Your result is crazy efficient with so low fsb, it'using fsb 200 strap right?
Noxinite says:
Yeah, 200MHz strap.
suzuki says:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Noxinite says:
Hmm, those sub-timings are very loose, but it is still quite fast.
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