Submission Details
FlanK3r`s SuperPi - 32M score - Extreme League
12min 12sec 78ms with AMD Athlon X4 845 at 3913MHz
Rank and points are being calculated.
Hardware details
CPU details
- Model: AMD Athlon X4 845 'Carrizo'
- Cooling: Air (Custom)
- Cores: 3,913MHz(+11.80%)
Memory details
VGA details
- Speed: MHz / MHz (Stock)
Recent Comments
Massman says:
OMG! OMG! OMG! Fastest AMD 5G!
ObscureParadox says:
wow seems like this is so much more efficient than Kaveri, time for an FX chip to hit the market so we can see them fly!!!
TX-OC says:
This is not even zen and there's already so much improvement in IPC. AMD is evolving
Bilko says:
very nice mate
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