Submission Details
TeamAU`s Unigine Heaven - Xtreme score - Elite League
9192.02 DX11 Marks with 3x AMD WindForce 3X Radeon R9 290X at MHz
Ranking position
WR Rank:
181st out of 4946
Global 3x GPU rank:
9th out of 323
3x Radeon R9 290X rank:
7th out of 33
Points earned for overclocker league
World Record Points
Global Points
9th using 3 GPU
Hardware Points
7th using 3x Radeon R9 290X
17.0 Points
Points earned for team league
Global Team Power Points (GTPP) Not Australia OC's best submission
0.0 Points
Hardware Team Power Points (HTPP) 7th in team using 3x Radeon R9 290X
3.3 Points
Hardware details
CPU details
- Model: Intel Core i7 4770K 'Haswell-DT'
- Cooling: Liquid Nitrogen
- Cores: 6,500MHz(+85.71%)
Memory details
- Product: Vengeance Pro
- Cooling: Air (Stock)
- Type: 8192MB DDR3 SDRAM
- Speed: @ 1,400MHz
- Timings: 9-12-12-21
VGA details
- Model: 3xGIGABYTE Radeon R9 290X (Hawaii) AMD
- Cooling: Liquid Nitrogen
- Speed: 1,000MHz / 1,250MHz (Stock)
Mainboard details
- Manufacturer: GIGABYTE
- Model: GA-Z97X-SOC Force
- Cooling: Air (Stock)
- Chipset: Z97
Disk details
- Capacity: 240GB (IDE)
- Series: Neutron GTX SSD
Recent Comments
TeamAU commented on his own score:
Z97 benching at the Gigabyte OC Lab with Dinos22, SniperOZ, Vivi, Steponz, Sofos, Hicookie and youngpro
zeropluszero says:
Global WR!
Dancop says:
steponz says:
Dinos22 says:
that was fun
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