Submission Details
TeamAU`s PCMark05 (alpha) score - Elite League
36198 marks with Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X at 5598MHz
Ranking position
Global 6x CPU rank:
Core i7 Extreme 980X rank:
10th out of 101
Points earned for overclocker league
Global Points
Not TeamAU's best submission
Hardware Points
10th using Core i7 Extreme 980X
Points earned for team league
Media gallery
- Verification URL, image, checksum
Hardware details
CPU details
- Model: Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X 'Gulftown'
- Cooling: Liquid Nitrogen
- Cores: 5,598MHz(+68.11%)
Memory details
- Product: Dominator GT
- Cooling: Air (Custom)
- Type: 6144MB DDR3 SDRAM
- Speed: @ 959MHz
- Timings: CL6.0 7-6-21
VGA details
- Model: Radeon HD 5870 (Cypress) AMD
- Cooling: Air (Stock)
- Speed: 950MHz (+11.76%) / 1,300MHz (+8.33%)
Mainboard details
- Manufacturer: GIGABYTE
- Model: GA-X58A-UD7
- Cooling: Air (Stock)
- Chipset: X58
Recent Comments
TeamAU commented on his own score:
moved to ud7, got a little more clocks and some more uncore/better ram clocks Gigabyte X58 GA-X58A-UD7, MSI 5870 Lightning, 4x Corsair force 60gb ssd, Corsair GTX2 ram kit, 2x ANS-ACARD, ARECA 1280ML raid controller, 4x Corsair 1000W
erdemolkun says:
Nice one pro
tiborrr says:
Hell yeah buddy!
jabski says:
very nice. Congrats
Hollywood says:
Awesome score! Any pics of the setup? 4x Corsair 1000 ....
SteveRo says:
Job well done my friend.
I knew you would be back on top in short order!
leeghoofd says:
The heat is on ! job well done...
thanks guys, 4x hx1000 is a mistake haha.. 1x hx1000, i think our Greek friends have something to share in the 38,000 realm though, i will need to get back on my benching
Massman says:
crio says:
Dinos22 says:
Perica_barii says:
warming up.....
chispy says:
Well done , as always great job.
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