Buildzoid Discusses First Experience with Radeon RX 480 on LN2

Buildzoid recently posted a log of his first experiences overclocking a Radeon RX 480 with LN2. The talented Czech has become a pivotal figure as a captain of the /r/overclocking team (who just finished third in the Novice Nimble) and has posted plenty of videos showing off his modding skills. His current muse is the Radeon RX 480, a card which he volt modded in one of most recent videos. His session with LN2 has resulted in a thread on HWBOT where he shares his findings:

“My reference card didn't have either CB or CBB so I ended up running full pot. However I do suspect that my mounting might have failed at some point in time because I was clocking a little low and because I couldn't use the backplate for my Raptor 4 due to it conflicting with my extra cap placements.”

“If you can get into BIOS but not into windows then you need to go into safe mode and reinstall the drivers because Wattman remembers your last unstable OC and is trying to boot with it(praise AMD! /s). If you have an SSD and a clean setup this should not take too long.”

Check out the forum post here, and get involved in the discussion if you have experience of pushing an RX 480 on LN2.

24.08.2016 - article -