Bassplayer Calling Upon All Overclockers to Map Your Location!

When we launched HWBOT X at the end of November, it was our hope that overclockers from around the world would find it a useful tool to gather and enjoy overclocking together. Bassplayer immediately jumped to action and looked for fellow Chicago based overclockers to have a small meet up. It turned out that it's not so easy to figure out who is living in your neighborhood!

In a thread on the forum, Bassplayer imported a Zeemaps map of the world. You can add your location to the map and see if there are perhaps people living in your area you could share an overclocking session with. You can choose how detailed you want to be in providing your location information. So far there are about 50 markers on the map, mostly in North America and Europe.

Check out the thread here.

Dec 30, 2015 - article -