Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate
87435 points
World record on Sep 15
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Benchmark ranking overview

As Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use. Please select a ranking.

Benchmark Overall Best Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 2x CPU United States 17962 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 4x CPU Russian Federation 24720 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 6x CPU 38348 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 8x CPU France 49388 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 10x CPU 62703 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 12x CPU France 60591 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 14x CPU France 43520 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 16x CPU Switzerland 68624 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 18x CPU Germany 68705 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 24x CPU Switzerland 79007 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 28x CPU United States 87435 points Rankings
Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate - 32x CPU United States 78006 points Rankings

Geekbench4 - Multi Core with BenchMate World Record History