Hardware Asylum Podcast #73: Motherboard Overclocking Dependency and More

Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain return with their latest Hardware Asylum podcast. Podcast #73 covers the issue of just how important your motherboard is when trying to get a solid and successful Overclock. They also have a discussion about hardware that we’ve lost and the EVGA iCX cooling technology that features on the GTX 1070 SC2 iCX.

Overclocking on Z270

In previous podcasts we have talked about Kaby Lake and how it is bringing the fun back to overclocking and of course to get the most out of your overclocking adventure you sometimes need to make modifications depending on your situation. On LGA 2011 you may need to lap your heatsink to ensure a proper fit while on LGA 115x the processor may need to be delidded to keep processor temps down.

One factor of overclocking that is often overlooked is motherboard selection, not so much from features or expandability but rather voltage and processor control. In this episode Dennis talks about how three different Z270 motherboards, all designed for overclocking each handle processor voltage differently. Some needlessly overvolt the processors while others are to flat out unstable at any speed.

Hardware we Have Loved and Lost

As hardware enthusiasts it is difficult to hide that we know about computers. One look in our respective offices will often be a dead giveaway that computers are our passion. Unfortunately, not everyone shares our passion and in this episode Dennis and Darren talk about the times we have lost hardware due to the disparity between computer enthusiasts and computer users.

Catch the full podcast from Hardware Asylum here.

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